1. I grew up Catholic. The whole nine. I get it, but most importantly I understand it.
2. I am NOT fanatical about my current beliefs. Worship *who* and *what* you want.
3. I believe that laughter & curiosity DO NOT equal misunderstanding and hatred when speaking about another person's beliefs.
4. The idea of Easter and Lent has always interested me.....even as a child.
So. Here we go.
- Chocolate Eggs. What egg-actly (see what I did there....made a little joke....) does that have to do with the religious aspect of Easter? Ok, that was poorly worded. I am confused by the association we make between chocolate, eggs & Easter. Traditionally, Easter is a Christian feast celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Did he sense chocolate and got an AMEN? (Another little joke....don't get yo panties in a twist) Were there offerings of Cadbury Eggs placed before him when he rose form the dead? I think not.
I get it. It's a commerical development, funded by chocolate companies to market their goods at the holidays. BUT WHO REALLY THOUGHT this was appropriate? I would love to be in on that meeting....." So, Bob....Christ is risen.....how do we spin that? CHOCOLATE EGGS AND SCARY MEN DRESSED AS BUNNIES!!!" Well played. - Easter bunnies. Wow. Really? Yes, yes, yes......It's all a play on Spring and new life.....after all what says new life and no birth control (*poke* at the Christian belief on life and birth control) like bunnies creating new life like,...well.....bunnies. But the Easter Bunny is now the International (well maybe not international....but you get the idea) symbol of Easter.
Pretty sure Jesus would be staring blankly at the lot of us thinking..." Really? THAT'S what you took from my rising form the dead. FAIL. EPIC FAIL.
- The Rising Dead. Ok. This is a sensitive subject for so many and I have no desire to be burned at the stake or stoned to death for voicing an opinion. So I suppose it's not really an opinion as much as curiosity & questions. It has always creeped me out a little.....I mean.....he was dead and now he is up and walking around? Ewwwww. How do you explain that to the masses at the time with farmers with picks and torches chasing after him???? *too much?*
Maybe it's symbolic? But the way so many religious types talk and act - it lends itself to be factual and real; more than a symbolic expression. Have I missed something?
Is he a Zombie? I mean, by definition he is pretty much there. Is it sacrilegious to suggest this? If so....why? Zombie isn't a derogatory term....merely a descriptive term.
The idea of Easter & many other Christian beliefs are to teach people morals, principles & further understanding and compassion of others.In all honesty folks, I think you missed the boat on that one. So much of these "Christina Holidays & Feasts" are rooted and based in Pagan traditions. There were taken and "tweaked" to meet the needs of a changing human civilization....hence, the chocolate eggs. Oh yeah, you thought I was going all serious and shit, huh?
Bottom line - Enjoy your weekend; your Mass; your Easter Egg Hunt......
Believe in what you want.....
I'm going to celebrate a nice weekend with grilling and beer......
I'm no longer Catholic.....I'm something else.....
A cookie to the person who can figure out what that is. :D
Carry On....