
You are damaging my calm

.....I get it. You represent a government office. You are merely a clog in the machine. YOU are not responsible for the ridiculous inefficiency that is this department. But you ARE the person I am dealing with & YOU are damaging my calm.....

Just a few thoughts that were running through my head today. And here is why....

I spent the better part of the day trying to get two simple things done. One - a new dependent ID card; Two - get enrolled in the military dependent system. I figured that it would take a few hours. But Oh, MY GOD. I was wrong.

10:15 - Sign in. Take a seat. (You could almost smell the hopelessness in the waiting room) Even better we get to sit among rows of poorly designed but institutionally functional waiting room chairs. Awesome. With coffee in hand, I sit. And wait.

10:45 - The waiting room has grown. People file in quietly; desperately trying not to make eye contact, in case, god forbid, you actually are forced to smile or even say Hi. Can't have that can we. Smiling is contagious. * checking my watch *

11:00 - Still waiting. iPhone and Facebook no longer amuse me.

11:15 - HAMILTON!!!!!!!!!! YES!! Our time has come....Later SUCKERS!!!

11:16 - Sorry we can't help you. Due to our incompetence we didn't tell you the ACTUAL paperwork we require to complete this standard transaction. Come back when you have what WE need.

11:18 - I want to see your supervisor.

11:25 - Heading to Social Security Administration to obtain necessary information, that was kindly explained to us by above mentioned supervisor.

* 10 minute from start to finish with the Social Security Office. Who knew!! *

12:00 - Paperwork in hand.....Signing in. Again. This time there are NO seats and some of the same people are STILL WAITING. I die a little inside. And they look at me with a look of satisfaction and pity.

12:30 - Still waiting. Parker is ready to blow up.

12:45 - Two of the FOUR customer service personnel leave for lunch. Dear. God. Kill me.

13:15 - HAMILTON!!!!!! YES!!! Later SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13:55 - Done. ID. Photos. Enrollment.

The following two hours were mercifully short, in which we spent going from department to department; filling out forms, clicking computer keys; offering up social security numbers; signing names and accepting congratulations for our recent nuptials.

Now, I am a reasonable person. I understand things such as short staffing; over- burdened systems; the need for security and proper paper work - I mean, what would we do without a paper trail that could paper a small classroom.
But what I can't understand is unhelpful, unapologetic customer service workers who would rather sit and giggle about their Saturday night than try and explain the current back-up. Or even offer the simplest apology for the wait & assure people they are working as quickly as they can. Instead, they stare impassively at the inquisitive customers, with slack mouths & uninterested attitudes.

We have an attitude because we have no idea why we are wiating for so long.
We are angry because you can't tell us how long it will be and you honestly don't care that we care.
We become frustrated because the information you gave us was wrong and you waited until the two hour waiting mark to tell us.
And yes, I DO want your name because you may be over-worked and don't care anymore BUT I DO. I have been there. I worked that job. But I wasn't half the BITCH you were.

You have damaged my calm.