Tribute to OSMW & Associated Stupid.

 OSMW 2013 - Start with a.... bang?

Recently I have had some friends question my support of the FB page - Overly Sensitive Military Wives. They suggest that my continuing 'membership' to this Facebook group only serves to strengthen their 'catty behavior' and 'act as bullies'.

Indeed.....and my reply *long-winded as usual* goes something like this......

I 'support' this page and have shamelessly added my blog section on the subject because someone needs to address the ever growing trend of self-serving, self-righteous, life-leeching, over-bearing, uneducated entitlement crazies that have given wives across the military community a bad name.

I take it personally, when these ignorant and self-important women show the world an ugly and wholly untrue portrayal of who military families are and what they really do every day. As a military spouse of over 10 years, I have never once 'thrown' my spouses rank around; I have never once believe that I am entitled to anything the military has to offer; I have never complained openly to my spouse's command or to the other spouses (hand on heart, ladies and gentleman). I am an individual who is not more or less because of who my spouse is or what his rank is - I have value becuase of who I AM and what I have chosen to do with MY life.

How can I not support a group who is taking a stand. And is absolutely hilarious when doing so!

Often this answer is met with a outrageous reply - I will tell you that any time my husband's rank is used in a debate or in any conservation that he is not a part of......PISSES me OFF. HIS RANK has nothing to do with my personal opinion........

With that said......
The reply is often the same.....

"Well it is easy to say all of that when your husband is an officer"

MY reply...."REALLY?"

I'm not going to play the 'who has it worse' game; I'm not going to dignify that with an answer because I don't care what damn rank my husband is.....YOU ARE NOT talking to him, you are talking to me and we DO NOT carry any rank.

So, why do I support them?
Because someone had to stand up and finally say what MOST of us are thinking.......OSMW, outta the pool!

It hurts.

I suppose this could apply to anyone, from any walk of life - civilian or military community. But, I read and read the following 'announcement' and I couldn't help wonder the following....

*This is from a military family and it made me weep....tears of absolute frustration*

" Need care for my child, trying to get him into pre-k.....he is 7 yrs old...."

I.....ugh.....wait, what?
He's SEVEN and isn't in school? Seriously?

Now, before you flame me on this one and accuse me of being a bitch; because this child might have some mental of physical impairment that has prevented his attendance at school.....he DOES NOT.
A friend of mine referred me to this particular forum and post in order to get my opinion - and the question was answered by the parent as to this child's 'ability'...the child has none of the above.

SO I ask you.....WHY is he JUST going into PRE-K???

1. He is very attached to his 'mommy'. Um....NO. I don't care how 'attached' the child is, they NEED to go to school and I guarantee they will quickly get over it and start forming relationships with their peers......oh, a GET AN EDUCATION.

2. Seriously? Your spouse, doctor, friends haven't picked up on this and asked questions? This child should at least be in Kindergarten!

3. WHY. Just why? Mommy you need to get out more, find a job, or otherwise find something else to fill your days....just a thought. 

4. You are not doing this child any favors. Child can be mean and cruel and when the newest Kinder is 5 feet tall and 10 by the time he enters school.....all bets are off.

5. WHY, oh WHY, do you women continue to find new ways of making the rest of military families, wives and spouses look like raging, inbred slobs?

No one wins in this situation.

Associated Stupid


Before anyone freaks out and starts screaming -"Its a hoax, stupid!!!"

I want to say this...... THAT'S MY POINT! 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.....this picture is no different.

Words such as .....
Fuck. REALLY?. And NO. Dear God. NO.

I understand that this picture and associated articles and such have been wandering through the Interwebs like wildfire.

Sadly, this is not because it's funny, but because a select few have decided to take it as reality and have decided that it will vindicate their 'role' as a military wife. Ah, hell....get your ice skates out folks.....cause HELL is about to freeze over.

Ok. I'll bite.
Let's think about this for a moment - for arguments sake, they say this WAS real. Let's get crazy and say that the Dept. of Defense and associated governmental types were actually entertaining this madness.
What would this really do to our military culture?

1. How the hell would you even wear this shit?
Picture it -
Pink camo tank top, being stretched beyond capacity over daisy-duke's with the saying, ' Military wife REALLY IS the toughest job in the >inset branch here<. *VOMIT*
If this happened I'd immigrate.

2. HOW the FUCK do you gain rank?
Oh. Yeah. I forgot. MARRY someone so you don't actually have to do any hard work to earn what you get.

3. Active duty respect for Sr. ranking wives......

" This is a wonderful idea,”.....“Many spouses already seem to act like they wear their sponsors’ rank, so why not just give it to them? This will allow spouses to pull rank when necessary so as to put out of line spouses in their respective place.”

My personal favorite....

I can’t fucking handle this shit anymore. I’m supposed to be a Sniper Platoon Commander, not some lovey dovey, let’s be friends, kumbaya, sit around the camp-fire playing acoustic guitar freak,”... “Shit, no wonder my Scout Snipers are out of control, their spouses drive them insane.”

Getting the picture on how fucking stupid this is????

YES. I KNOW. It's a hoax but its a damn scary one! 
Do they have any idea of how many spouses would support this idea??? 
The very fact that spouses all over have taken to this idea and have become excited about the prospect shows you the intelligence level of this people - and that right there is enough to tell you what a BAD idea this would be. 

To all the crazy OSMW -

Just because you were able to marry, entrap, snare, or otherwise get a military man means nothing more than......YOU GOT MARRIED. You are a wife. Nothing more, nothing less. You need to find your own career and quit trying to steal your spouses. UGH. 

Carry On.

Part II.

Ever have that moment when you look at a friend and you realize that they are the embodiment of the feared OSMW.  *heavy sigh*

Now, don't get me wrong - I believe that every military wife has those OSMW moments. We all have those moments. But what separates them from us -(if you really want to use those terms)- is you recognize it and you limit further obnoxious incidents. 

It's all about awareness, folks.
True friends don't let friends become annoying and overly sensitive.

But sometimes there is a moment when you realize....CRAP! I have let my friend down. I have allowed this ridiculous OSMW attitude to progress past all help.

Hello, my name is Rizzie and I'm an OSMW enabler. >.<

Signs to watch for:

1. Increasing amounts of judgement being targeted towards female AD that husbands work with. For no good reason.

2. Complaining about Tricare and your inability to get your PCM to give you anything you want because you researched online and want it....for free. Example - new weight loss drug.

3. Complaining of lack of weight loss and yet, unwilling to exercise and use hundreds of dollars of exercise equipment you bought two years ago. And then gave to me. :) For free. *head explodes*

4. Rude to most people in the customer service area for no apparent reason -(OK, this might just be a personality quirk...).

5. Pointing out that my willingness to make my husband dinner, pack him a lunch and do some housework is SOOOOOOO 1950's and I shouldn't 'wait on him, hand and foot'. UM? I'm just keeping the house clean....and cooking a meal. She is not willing to do ANY of that....and it shows. She is doesn't work....just sayin.

Needless to say......I'm an enabler. Or I was.
I ran away. Quickly. Because she can't run and I figured that action was safer.

Part I.

So I thought I would make a page dedicated to the MIND-BLOWING stupid I see in the military community *specifically OSMW*

This should prove to be fun.
Or I will increase my hate mail TEN fold.
Which is fun too. So I guess it is a win-win.

My first offering.

*Happened in a BX parking lot - no wives were hurt in the making of this post or during said interaction*

Random Mil. Wife type : I hate to see WIVES with military stickers on their cars.

Other Mil. Wife : Excuse me?

Random OSMW : She said you should have a military sticker on your car.

Other Mil. Wife : What sticker?

Random OSMW: Oh please,  the one on your windshield.

Me (listening to this discourse as I load my car) : *mouth open, staring at the stupidity*

Other Mil wife : *stares at her wind shield* *Looks at me in disbelief and starts laughing*


Random OSMW : What's so funny??? *angry face*

Other Mil. Wife : Its a BASE STICKER. Need it to get to work on Ft. Eustis....are you stupid?

Me: *rolling around in tears of laughter*

Other random OSMW wives: Whatever. *quickly runs away*

I can only imagine the IQ of that woman. And as I leave, laughing as I go, I see a 'Proud AF wife' sticker on the back of the Random OSMW's car. REALLY??????

I can't make this shit up. I just can't.