I have been mulling over this blog entry for a while now, and I have come the conclusion that it must see the light of day -- Warning blog entry is a bit like a cultural joke being said in to a group of mixed cultures ; i.e. uncomfortable, yet satisfying. And yes, you can laugh or smile, no one can see you.
Whiners - Shut. Up. Please. Is it a coincidence that if you replace one letter in this word you get Weiners? I think not. You know who you are! No matter what the circumstances you have to be the one with the worst case scenario bullshit occurring all at once. You are the person who eclipses everyone else difficult situation like a super nova. No cares. We stopped listening when you stopped being here for our personal amusement.
Where is all this ill-focused aggression coming from? Women, and military wives in particular. Sorry, fellow wives, but some of you seem to have been dropped off by the short bus, or are constantly throwing a pity party, or worse still enjoying playing the following game a little too much -- " I have it worse than you" --. Dear, God make it stop.
You know what, this life isn't easy, no one said it would be. But sitting around complaining about every little thing is pointless. You want to sound weak, pathetic, and incapable...be my guest. But I do not see why the rest of us have to be subjected to your endless lists of ' poor-pity-me's'.
You are young, and there is a lifetime of experience in front of you. Enjoy it. Take time to listen to those who have gone before. Listen to their stories of 'been there' done that, and survived to tell the fucking tale'. Being a girlfriend for 6-8 months while he is in basic doesn't qualify. I guarantee that saying that it does count to a seasoned military wife is going to get you cut down to size, and have a confrontation you might not walk a way from.
Why, oh why do you crumble like a badly stacked set of Jenga bricks the minute he steps from the front door? He will be back in two weeks. Newsflash -- TWO weeks is not a deployment. Yes, it sucks. But you will survive. Learn, and move on.
You might think that I ma being over harsh on these women. And maybe you are right. But I stand among this community of women and I do so proudly. I understand the sacrifices a military wife has to make. I have many military friends that stand with me when I say " Really? SHUT THE FUCK UP. Life is hard but all have to deal with it, and we do so with our big girl pants on. YOU outta the pool!".
Your cry-baby-, whiney ass-blubbering, entitlement-issued, back-stabbing, pity party can kiss my ass. Stop whining.
Bitter - table of one?