"McDonald's actually charges customers more to buy a smaller, lower-calorie meal,"
Bad fast food companies, bad. How dare they blind us to the healthier food option! How could they muddy the waters of trans fat goodness, by forcing us into bigger and bigger sizes by ingenuously making the healthier options more expensive! Who the hell saw that one coming? DUH!
I'm guilty of it too. As I roll my tired, and lazy ass through the 'McDrive Thru' -- Yeah, I think its hilarious that in Germany they have McDrive's -- I gaze upon the artery choking menu, and I Super size! My eyes are always bigger than my stomach. Or at least that is my story right now. *insert awkward pause here* Is it my complete incapacity to limit myself to a small hamburger and fires that is the problem, or is the mass-marketing fast food companies fault???
I would love to sit here and blame the mega companies of Taco Bell, and McDonald's for my weakness to saying no to ' Yo Quiero Taco Bell' , and ' I'm lovin' it'. I can see in self denial and say it is the ease and convenience of fast food establishments that have slowly chipped away at my ability to say NO. I can always blame the parental units of my upbringing for introducing fast food into my diet, and therefore, making me part of a generation that grew up on hamburger heaven out of parental convenience.
But, that's just a cop out. I, we, are born with a sense of will power, and the common sense to know we have a choice. Unfortunately, most of know we have the right to choice, we just have the inability to use it. There being the flaw that McD's uses to a incredible advantage. Damn you!
Let's face it folks - We have a problem and the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Think about it, if we as a buying public just stopped ordering Supersized meals, and just bought the regular meals- would there still be Supersized anything?