I love my Dane. And I would do anything for him. If I could no longer care for him in a way he deserves I would move heaven and earth to make sure he found a loving, safe home.
But that's because I am a decent human being.
That's because I have principles, morals and a conscience.
Because I know that a dog is completely dependent on me and my husband.
I know that a dog is a commitment and a promise.
Because I love him. Because he is my family. My baby. My responsibly.
To the owners out there - who throw their pets away like garbage & treat them like unwanted burdens. F**K YOU.
How could you?
How could you starve a dog?
How could let a dog languish in pain and do NOTHING??
How can you deny a dog, a cat, a horse....anything living thing food, water and basic shelter????
You deserve the same fate. You deserve to suffer.
Karma is not only a BITCH, but she is a DOG. A very pissed off dog.
I am overwhelmed by anger and sadness when I see these pictures and stories of Danes being straved, uncared for and throw in the garbage like so much trash.
They didn't ask to be born, to be moved around to the highest bidder, to be left to the elements outside because they got to big, or starved because YOU can't afford it anymore. I bet you are still eating, aren't you?
Here it is -
Danes are big. They grow and grow and grow.
They are exotic animals that have to be seen regularly at the Vet's.
They need special diets.
They need regular exercise.
They don't live long and need a lot of care in their older years.
They are social animals that NEED human contact and love.
They need a big bed and big water bowls.
In return they offer -
Unconditional love.
A friend when you need it.
A hug when you are sad, a sloppy kiss when you come home.
They are always happy to see you, sit on you and sleep with you.
They are family.
Think twice before you get a dog. If you can't fulfill even ONE of these needs - back off.
Because if I see you dump a dog, mistreat a dog or otherwise fuck up.....
I swear.....it will be the last thing you do.
Shadow and his Dane Parents
July 2012
Someone once told me that living a life without a dog, is like living a life without a soul.

Shadow is now 16 months old.
He is 112lbs
He loves his play dates, time with Parker, riding in the car with the windows down and playing with the frogs int he backyard.
He is a small Dane. Narrow and slim. But full of energy and curiosity.
He snuggles with Parker on the couch, follows me everywhere and sleeps where ever we are. He is never far from us.....keeping us within eye shot no matter where we are.
He loves sticks, twigs, bark and bugs. Endless curious about everything.
He is the life and soul of this house.
Lately, he has been an extra expensive part of this household. Numerous vet visits that he takes in stride; never flinching when he is examined, poked and prodded. Always ready to give kisses to Vet staff.
He has suffered through months of weight gain and weight loss; poor digestion and endless skin issues. And yet, he always ready to love and make laugh anyone who comes near him.
The money we put out for his health and well-being is never a burden. He is our puppers. He is our little family and he is our soul.
Thanks Shadow. For teaching us to be less self-absorbed. To be less selfish with our time. To be better people for having in our lives.
Here is to many more years of play dates, laughs and loves.
Shadow: The Great Blue, Great Dane AND International Man of Mystery.
Shadow - International Man of Mystery has a birthday TODAY!
Shadow is ONE!!!
Can't believe that we have had him for almost a year! It has been a crazy ride!
Stats on 12 March 2012
Weight: 110.5lbs
Height: 34 inches at the shoulder
Favorite food: Natural Balance, Pumpkin, Carrots & Yard Debris.
Happiest: when playing with fellow dogs at Care A Lot; playing with the boys next door and taking over the whole couch for a nap.
Happy Birthday Shadow!
We look forward to many more!
22 December 2011 - Then & Now.

Shadow: Dec 2011 - 98.2 lbs (right)
O Holy....Crap!
Great Danes have been a part of my life - on and off for much of my childhood, as well as much of my adulthood. I have been around my fair share of puppies but much of that experience was as a child - when most, if not all, of the care was done by the adults. As I got older I was involved in the care of Danes but much of that was for full grown Danes. A very important distinction as I think about Shadow & say what I'm about to say......
Great Danes are a truly wonderful breed. They are intelligent, loving & endless playful and gentle. But they are, as the name suggests, GREAT aka a GIANT breed. Before they reach their first year of life they are often the size of a full grown Golden or a small Rottie. And they aren't done yet!
We expect Shadow to gain at least another 50-60 lbs (that is a reserved estimate....at times Danes can exceed this & there is no way of knowing); Shadow will gain height & muscle to compensate for his enormous weight. They aren't called GREAT DANES for nothin'.
As wonderful as these dogs are......they are not the best choice for the faint-hearted or the inexperienced. *Warning* To all fellow (and maybe more experienced Dane owners), the following list is merely my take on being a 'Dane Mom' & in no way should deter new or potential Great Dane owners. It is merely things to think about when pondering whether this breed is for you.
- They are small as puppies but they will grow.....and grow fast & big. This is important to keep in mind, as a 6-7 month old Dane is strong enough to pull over full grown human when they see something more interesting than you! Training classes and a firm grasp of your Dane is essential, as much for you, as for your dog. No one should get hurt.
- A Dane gets big because that is their breed. BUT, it is important to remember that because they grow so quickly and become so large they need good nutrition. Good health & good food for Dane can be expensive. Shadow currently eats twice a day (he is a slow, picky eater & has set himself to that schedule....free-feeding can be better for issues of bloat); each meal is 3-4 cups, which adds up to 6-8 cups a day. He also has an small helping of pumpkin for digestive health, a chew bone a day and several dog biscuits. All good quality = Pricey food bill. But it is so worth it.
- Comfort & size. They get big and they love a good couch to sprawl out on. Your regular sized pet beds and pillows will not be enough sooner rather than later. At 9.5 months Shadow has out grown all his beds except his 'Dane Kong Bed'....which he will eventually completely eclipse. A Dane needs a warm, comfortable place that will help support their large frame - proactive efforts to combat the inevitable joint issues is key! And offering a comfortable dog bed will help save your furniture!
- They have health problems that are just par for the course when dealing with such a large breed. Be prepared for your Dane to have a shorter life expectancy that most other breeds. Hip conditions, joint problems, bloating....it can be managed but with a cost. It is worth all the money we have put into him....but some people may not understand the financial aspect to such a breed.
Great Danes are exceptional dogs. I highly suggest this breed to anyone I meet. They are wonderful with children; they love to be wherever their 'people' are and they show absolute, unconditional love. But they are not a type of dog to get on a whim. You need to be informed and prepared for raising and caring for this type of dog.
12 December 2011 - 96lbs
Poor Shadow has a rough couple of weeks.

2. Skin issues. For some reason the poor little guy keeps getting a phantom skin infection - looks a lot like chicken pox and itches just as much - I'm assured it is NOT the pox. But we are dealing several rounds of antibiotics to be sure. Ever tried to get a Great Dane puppy to take a pill. Yeah. Not fun.
3. Parker coming home. Parker leaving home. Parker coming Home. Parker Leaving home.....
4. Hours spent in the car going to and from airports, vets and random places for the sake of getting Parker.....leaving Parker.....getting Parker.....etc.
Just when Shadow gets into a routine....something happens.
I feel bad - at least with a child you can talk with them and explain. A dog just looks pitiful & has no idea what the hell is going on.
He spent several days pining for Parker. Watching the front door. And hating getting into the car. EVEN when getting into the ca meant going to play with other dogs or going for his walk....which he loves.
My heart breaks every time he licks the front door and hopes that Parker is waiting on the other side.
16 Nov. 2011 - 92 lbs (minus one or two 'bits')
It is done.
The neuter & gastropexy.
Now the real fun begins *sarcasm*
Any bright ideas on how you get a 92lb Great Dane puppy to take 9 PILLS a day?
Yeah. Me neither.
Poor guy.
Halloween 1st Place Goes to.......Shadow & Kris for Best Matching/Cute Halloween Costumes.
I couldn't help myself. I had to go to this DOG Daycare Halloween Party....the curiosity was too much!!! And of course I didn't go as far as to actually BUY him a costume. That would be silly. So we made do with matching hockey jerseys. Oh yes.
Who could say no to that?
If I could have got a hockey mask to stay on his head....it would happened.
But we were pushing it with the jersey.
That is a face of a dog saying " Really? Is this absolutely necessary. I look ridiculous."
Does this make my ass look big?
I'm going to bite you in your sleep.....for this.
Shadow - 21 October 2011.
A growing boy.
He is now 85 lbs.
He can look over the kitchen counter.
He takes up 2/3 of the couch.
He is 7.5 month old.
He eats 6-8 cups of food a day; several bones; as well as dog treats and anything he finds in the yard.
He goes for walks almost everyday that need to be at least one mile in distance.
He loves to chase bugs, squirrels and rabbits. Not sure what he thinks he would do if he caught 'em.
13 October 2011
" I love my Great Dane....I love my Great Dane.....I love my Great Dane"
Several years ago I was talking with a close friend & as we were talking one of her children - there are FOUR - decided to throw down and start screaming. The other three children soon followed suit. She politely asked if she could have a minute and call me back after she dealt with the situation. Several minutes later she called me back and I heard a remarkable silence.....'Mom' had locked herself outside on the porch, while the 'babies' protested loudly inside at the forced nap time that had been enforced. She sighed and repeated the mantra..." I love my kids....I Love my kids....I love my kids..." We laughed and life moved on....
I will always remember that. We still have those moments and I quietly repeat the mantra to her in times of frustration....
And now I use it.....
I Love my Dane.....I Love my Dane.....I Love my Dane.....
Shadow is going to give me a heart attack.
In his infinite wisdom & let's be honest, his infinite 'puppiness' he has taken to running.....running away....from me.....in public.....
I Love my Dane....I Love my Dane......I Love my Dane......
Of course he has chosen to start this behavior in the absence of Parker. Not that either one of us can catch him when he is sprinting forward at the pace of a scared gazelle; but at least when he is here, we can divide and conquer the situation. Yep. No. I'm on my oneies.
Yesterday during a rather long hike through the Nolan Trails; Shadow, in true form, lulled me into a false sense of security and in that moment of weakness I let him off leash. BAD IDEA....a view shared by the squirrel that had caught his attention. * Runn away...RUN AWAY* All I could do was watch in horror as Shadow took to the forest after a terrified squirrel.
SHADOW!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *face plam*
Needless to say several thoughts rushed through my mind and I am not proud of this one but it did, very briefly cross my mind, ' He has a microchip...he'll be fine". Yeah, I yelled at myself too. I took off after him, looking like a fat girl running after the ice cream truck. I finally found him after about 25 feet into the forest. I lured him to me using his treats I had wisely choosen to bring....and quickly and ungracefully latched the leash back onto his harness.
Why I oughtta......!!!
I will not survive the teen Great Dane years.......sigh.
He is 81lbs.
This will need to stop before I have 150lbs of Dane at the end of leash.....
September 29th 2011
He ate a freaking rib bone. Our resident International Man of Mystery.....ATE a damn rib bone.
Are you trying to give a ulcer!!
And yet. It was our stupidity. With the best of intentions, of course. Who knew he'd chomp his way through a rib bone in the time it takes to say, " Hey, did you just give him something he shouldn't....DAMN IT".
Cue sleepless night.
Of course he didn't have a sleepless night. We did. Visions of bloated stomachs....mad dashes to a 24 hour vet.....rib bones shredding his insides.....OMGEEEEE. Dog. You are killing me.
And here we are. The next morning as he gobbles up his morning feed & resumes his morning patrol of the backyard. Happy. Healthy. And as crazy as ever.
I will NEVER do that again. Lesson Learned.
September 24th 2011
To neuter or not to neuter ~
Shadow is doing well & growing as well as a Great Dane puppy will. But as with many Great Dane owners the current question on our minds is " Do you we neuter him now? Or Wait?....Will this harm him? Are we making the right decision?"
There is no shortage of opinions; from breeders, to fellow owners, to vets, to the trainer at the pet store. Everyone has an opinion. And for once I actually want to hear it.
I'm might sound like a crazy dog lady, but I can't imagine doing anything that could hurt our little Dane. I want to make the best, informed decision I can; which is difficult as I want to ensure he has a long life with a quality of life that can be difficult for such a giant breed.
Here's what I am thinking.....
- I don't care about his size. Giant, large, small...whatever. I just want him to be healthy and happy. So the argument that neutering him at 7 months will affect his size, is really not a concern. I will love him regardless. AND, there is no real evidence to show it will affect his growth.....
- Sexual maturity. Ok. Well, what exactly does that mean? Does it affect his development? Temperament? He is an exceptionally well-behaved puppy & I would hate to effect any change in his wonderfully, silly attitude.
- Is it selfish to want him to be neutered? If he is not neutered by 7 months old.....he will not be able to attend the 'Doggie Daycare' he so loves. ( Company policy ) I also board him there, so I think I would be difficult to change facilities when we have such a good relationship with them & I feel comfortable with the treatment my Shadow gets there.
- I'm no expert. I'm a dog owner who is just trying to do the right thing. I have had several Danes in the past; but I have never had to make the decision on neutering as they were already fixed when I took care of them. Shadow is my first puppy.
So far, most people tells us that it's fine. That Shadow will be fine, regardless of whether we wait or do it in the next few weeks. I have met Great Danes and their owners that have run the spectrum. One was neutered at four months and is HUGE and HAPPY! I have met breeders that insist on Danes waiting until at least a year....but don't see a problem with it done earlier......SIGH.
What to do....what to do.....
September 22nd 2011
Shadow the Great Blue, Great Dane is a teen. At least I think he is. He is acting like it. Sometimes.
Shadow has truly proven himself to be an exceptional Dane. I am sure that many dog owners and Great Dane owners can, and do, tell you that their dog is an amazing animal that can sense when you are feeling down or when you are dealing with some stress or difficulty. And as a result, the dog becomes protective and watchful of you as you deal with whatever 'it is'.
I will tell you the same.
I have been recently diagnosed with Bell's Palsy - I am on the recovery side of this malady - but it continues to affect my daily routine. And Shadow's. But this is where I want to brag.
This puppy - all 71 lbs of him - does his breed credit. He has made it his mission to be by my side every minute of every day. When I become tired and need to sit down; he makes sure he is laying with me....and ensures at least one HUGE paw is on me. When I cry or sigh in pain.....he is immediately alert and will lick my hand as if to say....It's ok.
There has been very little time in the day or night when Shadow isn't checking on me.....sniffing lazily at my face when I'm in bed (scaring the crap outta me when he does!); or waking up from his afternoon 'sunning on the porch' to check me out and then go back to lay down; or follow me from room to room as I clean, or do laundry, or talk on the phone. He is with on the proch in the morning and will rarely leave me alone.....unless nature calls.
I am a lucky Great Dane owner. He is one hell of a dog. And his quiet guard has been a true help...if not slight danger ( a Great Dane puppy isn't exactly graceful & unobtrusive....being under foot can cause need accidents) but I'm not sure I would have it any other way.
* SIX MONTHS and counting*
Shadow the Great Blue - Great Dane is now almost 70 lbs. And looking good. He is a teenager and testing his boundaries. But DAMN if he isn't a smart one.
- 69.5 lbs
- Green eyes
- His head hits my hips. Always under foot.
- Fully house-trained
- Fully leash trained
- Fully CRAZY!!!
- PAPER. We are working on that.
- Bugs. Anything that flies, crawls or slithers. He's there.
- Pressed bones. Beef tendons. Knuckle Bones. Puffed Cow Ears.
- Socks. He loves him some socks.
- Snuggling. Although he doesn't like to share the couch and is more than able to 'guilt' me into moving. Seriously. I am the one who still needs to be trained.
- Baths. Showers are ok. Baths....not so much.
- Being Brushed. I have to be stealth Ninja to get the brush on him for more than five seconds.
- Nails being clipped. Nuff said.
- The Broom. The rake. The hose. Generally anything that takes the attention away from him for more than a minute. And it louder than him.
Stats : As of 2 August 2011
- Weight - 49lbs
- Height - My knee (head)
- Eyes - Blue
- Likes - Paper. The Great Pink Octopus and his stuffed dog Flopper. Beef bones. Dryer sheets.
- Dislikes - Sleeping in his bed. Nylon bones. Being alone. His crate.
- Interests - Riding in the car with his head out of the window. Playing. Beach Time. Doggie Daycare.

I bought everything I thought a good puppy owner should have on hand - lots of chew toys, bones, a comfy bed, a crate, puppy pads and leash. With the best of intentions I purchased Giant Puppy Dog Food and natural dog treats. As a good Dog Mom I found a vet that specialized in Great Danes and scheduled his first vet appointment.
How hard could it be?
Oh yeah.
Shadow has turned our lives upside down; inside out; sideways. After all he is a GREAT DANE PUPPY. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Things you should know before you open your home to a loving, crazy, unpredictable Great Dane puppy.
- NEVER give them Puppy food.....unless you want a over sized, unhealthy growing puppy. Just say NO. And remember this before you buy the premium priced, gigantic bag of dog food.
- Every puppers is different. Not everyone likes the cheap, easy to find Bag'o Bones you can find at your neighborhood pet store. AGAIN. Try first.....buy big bag later. *sigh*
- They grow VERY fast. That cute puppy collar you bought at the pet boutique ain't gonna cut it in 3-4 weeks. Big ass, solid generic collar from PetSmart will do. For now.
- Paper. They like it. ANY kind of paper. Books. Mail. Beware. Be sensible. Don't leave the recycling bin on their level. And soon EVERYTHING is on THEIR level.
- Too much fat and protein gives your puppy....well...the "squirts"...and a Great Dane puppy can produce ALOT of liquid poop. Just sayin.
- Your couch isn't your anymore. Get over it and move on.
- They drool. Again...just deal and move on. A handy dandy little face cloth from WalMart should ALWAYS be on hand.
- Your bed is always a good idea in their minds.
- House Training is not difficult with Great Danes. They are extremely smart and will figure it out quickly. YOU on the other hand need to be trained. Be prepared for some sleepless nights & always remember.....they can't open doors.....YOU need to let them out.
- He gives you unconditional love.
- He never judges you.
- He snuggles with you when you cry and gives you kisses to tell you it's going to be ok.
- He is hours of fun and enjoyment.
- He makes you exercise and actually enjoy it.
- He reminds you to think of someone other than yourself.
- He is company when no one else is there.
- He accepts me when I'm sad, mad, crazy, silly and loves my singing.
Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of Shadow The Blue, Great Dane!