I'm sorry folks but at some point people need to draw the line - especially the parents of this iPod Generation! At age 30 I bought my very first iPod, and I love it; my husband was way ahead of me as far being a 'sellout' to the mass media monster that calls itself 'Apple'. I resisted the call of the 'pod' and was content with my crappy little MP3 player from a non-descriptive company - but then I, too, could no longer say no, and I became sheepeople , and bought into the iPod Generation. Le sigh.
When did society, or more specifically parents, fall and bump their collective heads? -( I will insert here that I know parents that do not fall into this category, you know who you are..lol) - BUT, I'm in awe of the recent trend of iPod owning, cellphone-possessing, label-wearing iWant generation of children. Seriously, what the hell!
Who in their in right minds thinks buying an iPod for a 5 year old is ok? What the fuck is he/she going to listen too? Teletubbies Live? I think not, folks. Not to mention the price of the iPods available. My husband and I have two iPods; the collective cost of iPods and subsequent accessories = around $500. Ok, that doesn't include the iPod that we learned doesn't swim - see similar titled blog post.
Would you pay $200 for an iPod for your five year old?
The cell phone factor has been around for much longer; but again why would you give your 10 year old a cell phone? Now, I wouldn't see a problem with a cheapo, restricted, pre-paid phone; especially if they walk to school, or do various after school activities. But seeing young kids talking away to their friends on their cellphones as they walk home is disturbing. I have even seen kids talking to their friends on their cells at lunchtime - what makes that really disturbing is they attend the SAME SCHOOL!! Really, are you so lazy and disconnneted from reality that you cannot walk across the school yard to talk to each face-to-face! O.M.G.
What is this trend teaching the kids of this and following generations? Where do we draw the line?? Is there a line to still draw?
Where do you, as a parent, go from here? If at age 4 or 5 you have set the bar at an iPod? Would the expectation of following holidays and birthdays gradually increase? And if it does, who do we blame? Is it really the fault of the children; are we not at fault for creating a iWant generation?
IStupid - The new gimmie-gimmie generation.