Don't worry the costume isn't for me - but it does illustrate my blog for today; the bitter, meanness that seems to affect so many new military spouses, or spouses that move overseas. And before you spew any hateful comments my way; I do understand it is not an affliction that affects *ALL* military wives, but it is a disturbing trend that I and other spouses have recently noticed.
Military life is challenging. It is even more challenging for a young spouse, or a young spouse stationed overseas for the first time. I get it. Hard. Not fun. I hear ya.
Your bitterness and overly cocky attitude towards the life, and other spouses will only further your misery, and possible get you in trouble. Military wives have a slight pack mentality - its not pretty, but its effective - military wives will pull together when necessary, and protect their own as well as, "correct" their own as well. I have seen this first hand, and it does leave one staring at them in wonder.
For my regular viewers this is not targeted at any particular person, and/or incident, it's just a disturbing trend I have been noticing at work, on my wife forums, and my other social networking sites.
Here are a few little things ~~~
~ Reading and commenting on a specific military forum, and then telling everyone on ANOTHER forum that reading and commenting on said forum is " Bringing down YOUR I.Q." - Probably says more about you; since *you* are STILL posting and complaining about other wives on said forum. Take a minute and ask yourself if it's you, or the other spouses that have the problem? Mmmmmm.
~ No the military or your husband's squadron is *not* out to get you. It seems to be the folly of youth to believe that the world rotates around you. Believe it or not, you are the only who can hear the crowd 'booing you', and you are the only who can see the sun rising and setting from your asshole.
The problem between you and your husband's squadron is your ego. Too big. Take two reality checks and call me in the morning.
~ Your bitterness is not helping other new spouses coming into the life, or spouses that are moving to your current location. A PCS is scary enough without an over-bearing, bitter, misinformed Princess clouding their first impressions of the new base. You may not be enjoying it but that doesn't mean that other spouses shouldn't be given a chance to make up their mind about it without your biased bitterness.
The military life can suck. The military life can be lonely.
It can be a unique and rewarding life if you remember one little piece of advice.
** Your AD spouse wears the rank. They do the heavy lifting. They take the real risk. YOU are along for the ride, and its up to you to make it worth all the other crap your AD spouse has to go through. Don't be bitter. Be grateful. And blaming other spouses for your shortcomings will only serve to piss fellow wives off - remember what I said about the pack.....**