Why is it you can go through life on the backs of others and face little or no consequences? It doesn't seem as if the system is very balanced, or if it is, it is stacked in favor of certain people or certain situations. Does that sound bitter? I'm not sure if that is really what I was going for.
I'm not so much bitter, as I am angry. It is go through each week and work your ass off for a grade only to see the work handed in by others and wonder why *you* bother! They seem completely content to use the hard work of other s as their own - really? Who the fuck does that and WHY the fuck does the instructor let it continue! Fucking douche.
Ok. So maybe I'm a little bitter.
My frustrations at this point --
I. Watching someone copy *almost* word for word YOUR response and then hand it in as their own work. Oh yes. It has happened - and although I might in some other parallel universe be slightly flattered - in this universe I was ABSOLUTELY pissed. This little twat waffle needs a reality check and she was in luck. Check please? I was only to happy to rip her a new one and serve the old one up to our instructor. But I shouldn't have too. I shouldn't have to deal with resident retards like this.
II. Cut and paste does not an answer make. If you are asked a question you do not run over to the nearest computer, and cut and paste an article, and then hand it over to the person who asked said question - do you??? Then why in the HELL would you do that in a college class???? WHY!!!!!
I can't make this shit up folks. In five weeks there have several "fellow Students" who have answered VERY *basic* questions by cut and pasting the answer straight from an Internet source. PICTURES AND ALL. Not a single fucking word is theirs. Not a single idea is original or had any thought put into it.
III. Please, oh please - for the love of God and everything right in this world - learn to FUCKING SPELL!!!! And if you complain about getting marked down on your punctuation or spelling one more time....I swear I can't be held responsible for what I'm going to insert up your mouthpiece.
Examples - ( oh yeah baby these are real, and from a 300 level class)
- Aloud - Can you guess what word she was aiming for? = Allowed.
- Matrilineal - Guess the word! = Maternally.
- Punctuation - The sentences was 6 lines LONG before there was a period.
- Highlighting every subject in your sentence with a different fluorescent color doesn't help! If fact it only serves to aggravate a seizure.
- Adding pictures or illustrating your point with pictures as your ONLY explanation is not an answer!!! Words. Use you words.
I can't take it anymore.
It makes me feel as if my degree isn't worth much if people like this get one too.