I was talking with a old friend the other night. The type of old friend that just lays it out in front of you and says, "LOOK. Hahahahahaha. That's your life. Hahahahaha. Love you man." I sit there listening to the loving, if not slightly mocking, voice on the other end of the phone, and realizing slowly and a little resentfully, that YEAH, this is my life. Oh, what joy it is to be me.
I'm not sad about it. I'm a little bitter, maybe, but I have come to realize that this is me. This is my life. I need to start enjoying the oddballs it throws my way. I should embrace the absurdity that is my daily life. I have to learn to recognize the madness that is my circle of friends and be proud!!!! (*which I am...I just need a follow sentence...you understand*).I should feel blessed that I have so much material for my several blog a week habit!
Most importantly I should feel blessed that people want to be part of my life, and that I have a life that allows me to meet so many great people, and get involved in so many crazy situations.
I suppose this blog has been prompted by my uncanny ability to get myself into trouble. Its not true, you know. It's not true that once you reach a certain age, you mature and put aside childish things. You just swap it out for adult toys, and highly immature choices. ::: If you are smiling at this point, or even nodding to yourself I have two things to say to you - 1. You totally get it! Welcome! 2. No one can see you nodding. Stop. Really, its like nodding when you are on the phone..they can't see you:::
I have made some really retarded choice in the past week or so, and I have decided that rather hide away from it, and wallow in self-pity....to walk stright at and embrace it.
This could end very badly.
Keep smiling. And remember if you break out into giggles or a smile for no reason....its probably because I did something stupid somewhere.