Frustration ~ "4. a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems."
Oh, I have unsolved problems alright. The story that is my life seems to held together by unresolved Goddamn problems. Its never the big problems of life; never the curve balls of life. Its those little, irritating bug bite of life that will turn a sane,well-adjusted adult, into a blubbering mess in the corner. You are smiling right about now because you know of what I speak! You know that one little errand of the day that should only take a few minutes out of your day, will cost hours of frustrated yelling, and expelling of pent up aggression focused at the first person who " offers advice"....And I'm using *quotation fingers* for extra sarcasm.
Ok, so what am I whining about. ONLINE FUCKING BANKING.
A technological marvel of the modern age. A wonderful time saver which allows you to save minutes of your day, that you can instead use more productively playing online Solitaire at work, instead of standing like a sheep in a mile long line at the bank during your lunch hour. OR in my case -- I live in Germany -- I can conveniently deposit any checks from the comfort of my home, 24/7, without having to overcome the serious obstacle of being THOUSANDS of miles AWAY from the nearest branch of my bank. A bank which will remain nameless.....but it begins with 'U' ends with 'A' and has two SS's in the middle. Did I say too much?
Deposit at home MY BUTT! I followed the damn instructions to the letter. Nada. I get as far as uploading the front of the check, and for reasons unknown, the thing freezing up, or alerts me to the fact that *I* have not cropped the check properly. NEWSFLASH - The freaking check looks just like ALL the properly cropped checks - so what's the freaking problem!!!!!
Maybe it's the iMac. Apple isn't compatible with shit.
I have two other laptops that aren't Mac.....maybe that will work. NO. I fall over in shock. Really???? WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING.
I am now reduced to rocking back and forth in the corner, glaring at the computer, and the scanner, mumbling obscenities. Douche.
So, here I am with a check, that I have to get deposited before it expires -- so not my fault that I forgot about it, and waited this long. really. -- and I am forced to go old skool. USPS. Crap. I don't have a stamp. FUCCCCCCCCK.
And now I must scream.