
Random thoughts of a Strep throat.....

Yes, I am one of those lucky people who regularly suffer from Strep Throat - I see it as one of my Super Powers. I can boldly go from healthy to Strep in 2.5 seconds. Oh yes. Be jealous.

As a precursor to this blog entry of rambling, ridiculous thoughts; I would like to say the following : Strep Throat for those who have not experienced it is a double-sided coin of burden. On one side you have a low grade fever; a swollen throat that makes you feel as though every time you swallow you are choking on razor blades and sometimes the pain radiates into your jaw. The other side of that coin is......feeling fine otherwise. I'm not sure that is the same for everyone. But other than my throat/jaw pain...I feel pretty good. So it's difficult to just sit and do is for me at least.

So this is the reason for my mindless rambling of thoughts - I spent two days trying to take it easy and rest. As a result I watched 'daytime' programming.....Oh. My.God.......

Random Thoughts of a Strep Throat

 "Daytime Programming" scares me. As I flipped through the channels I saw angry, poorly-dressed, fist-fighting, ignorant  people screaming at each other.....and THAT was only FOX News and the current political campaigns. Not to mention the daytime soaps......and Judge JUDY....and game shows.....I swear my IQ fell a few points before I finally decided to turn it off.  Now I know how many of you are going to read this and say, " I would give my right arm to have some down time in the middle of day...and watching crappy programming....lucky you".....Ok. Tell ya what.....I'll give you strep and I'll watch your kids for the day! Oh yes.....that's how much I hate being all streppy and stupid. I blame the fever.....

Did you know that BANANAS feel like battery acid when you eat them with a Strep throat? Not sure how that happens....considering they are on the alkaline on the spectrum...but my throat is not happy when I eat 'em. Hummus isn't funny either. GAH! My two favorite foods right now. Is the burn worth it.....yes. I'll suffer.

I ended up watching the Lord of the Ring trilogy this weekend. I have come to a few conclusions......

1. Frodo is a whiny bitch. 
2. Stryder is hot.
3. Sam is the real hero. Afterall, he has plenty opportunity to leave Frodo's whiny ass.
4. Bromance. Oh Sam. <3
5. I'd give up an immortal life too, if Aragorn was the reason. True story.
6. I wouldn't have made it past the spider. *instant heart attack*
7. Really a spider THAT BIG and it is scared of a nightlight? Really?
8. Why won't Glolum die?
9. A woman and a midget kill the ALL Powerful Ghost King that an army and hundreds of years couldn't. Really? Proves the 'takes a woman to do a man's job' adage, huh?
10. I really need to lay off the colds. meds when I watch this stuff.

Those are just a few thought I had while watching these movies...and yes, I watch them ALL.

Ok. Enough of these ramblings.
For now.
*evil cackle....cough...cough...hack...* Ugh.