
Random Thoughts

I can't help but ask myself - does nicotine contain a 'happy' pill.

Does it prevent me from drop-kicking people for being stupid?
Does it raise my tolerance level?

Rather than take lives, I believe that nicotine SAVES lives. My tolerance level has dramatically decreased and my realization that some people - with whom I have regular contact - I should not have ANY contact with....for their safety of course.

What am I rambling about? I have rambling about the complete lack of common sense that I realize is constantly filtering into my life; the ignorance that I encounter on a daily basis seems to have increased TEN-FOLD; my ability to stay silent is decreasing with quickness.

Have I been blind for the past few years or is my withdrawal from cigarettes merely being projected in other directions? I would like to think that I am dealing with my smoking issues in a healthy and completely tolerance way - and my current irritation is merely a temporary glitch.

You be the judge....

Things that make me say, WHAT the HELL?

1. Military Girlfriends

Okay, okay. Maybe not ALL military girlfriends......but the ones in my current scope of vision are about to feel my wrath.

Say it one more time.....just. one. more. time. 
"People don't understand how HARD it is to be a military spouse".
"I have to live every day like he deploys tomorrow"
"Military wife is my other job"

Oh. MY. GOD! Sit down and shut the FUCK up! Seriously, its your OTHER JOB! Are you serious???
My thoughts on this?

Get a life - because saying you are a military wife/girlfriend means NOTHING. It's not a job skill, its not a superpower, its not your meal ticket babe.
Get a job - and remember that HIS RANK has NOTHING to do with your ability to have a life, a career, and interests that are completely unrelated to the military.
Play the... "I have it worse card" ONE MORE TIME. Shut up. I have been through more deployments and TDY's before you left fucking high school than you will in his whole damn career. AND YET, I will be supportive and helpful....because no one likes the " well, I have it worse because" wife. If you decide to continue down that have been warned.

My God ladies.....have a little self-respect.

2. If you swim like a duck and quack like a duck.....

If you post pictures of yourself dressed  like a stripper and post updates with the vocabulary of a 5th grade dropout and enjoy showing the FB world your bare ass.....well, *QUACK*
Honestly, why would you question why people are deleting you and why guys only ask you out because they think they are going to get lucky.....when you dress like a....hooker. Seriously.
You look and act like an ignorant hood rat. And you wonder why you are 34 years old and working at Hooters.
Smells like Daddy's disappointment and broken dreams.....

3. If you don't like it....why do you continue to involve yourself in it?

Complain about a situation, a job, a school, the welfare system. BUT if you complain and put down the very job, school or welfare system you are still affiliated are a hypocrite. And I can't respect you anymore.

4. I need smarter friends

I have noticed that my choice in friends in the past year or so, has been less than stellar. I seem to have been blind to the ignorance I have surrounded myself with. Time for a cleanse. Because I feel my IQ falling with every dumb comment they come out with.

Maybe I should start smoking again.

Or maybe this is Karma saying, "HEY!! There's still time.....time to drop the dead weight!