I used to enjoy watching political debates, reading about the candidates, and knowing that because of my informed viewing and reading, I would make an informed vote. I would be a part of the election process. And now. Well, I'm bitterly disappointed and avoiding much of the election coverage.
I am a disillusioned voter. Or at least I was.
The McCain and Palin campaign has me staring at the process in disbelief. I am horrified by their collective choice of words, attitudes, and bigotry.
This Pitbull needs to be muzzled before she gets someone hurt. And fix her while your at it!
She seems to have no problem forming a mob mentality when speaking on the campaign trail; encouraging open displays of racist taunts from her supporters towards media and other by-standers, “"At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African-American sound man . . . and told him, "Sit down, boy." (Chicago Times)
Is this the type of person I want running this country? Is this the type of person *you* want running this country.
She and her pension-drawing running mate are out of touch with the times; and they are bordering on a dangerous line between ‘campaigning’ and outright hatred.
“At another point during her rant, Palin cited a New York Times article that described Ayers as "part of a group that quote 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,' " she rattled off as if she was talking about 9/11. That brought a loud "Kill him!" from an unidentified man in the audience ( Chicago times).”
I watched the rally at which she spoke these words and I was appalled and ashamed by the reaction she received. These people actually cheered her. What is wrong with these people? Is this what my husband and his fellow military members are fighting for? Ignorance, and hatred? Really?
Sarah Palin you should be ashamed of your words and your actions.
You just lost another vote.