Forget Capt. Obvious! How about Capt. Oblivious!
I am continually amazed by the complete lack of awareness that some people show. Really, if you see a sign that tells you to NOT to something, your general reaction should be - NOT DOING IT! Right? Am I wrong in assuming that? Do I expect too much from people?
Here's the thing - over the past few weeks I have noticed a disturbing and completely frustrating lack of common sense and awareness when people use the computer lab that I work at. Now, I know that my role in the lab is to ensure that people use the equipment properly, and that they are helped when they need something. That's why I get paid the big bucks. But DAMN people read the fucking signs!!! Help me to help you.
As you walk into my lab there is a large free standing 'sign post'-( I have no other way of describing it) - on this post we have a large, clearly written request that people who use the Lab sign in before settled down at a computer. In addition to the request we have a helpful info on how to log on , and use the computer. Again this information is clear, and simple.
As you sign in there is a large - seriously, it stretches from side of the room to the other, you can't miss it - White Board! On the white board are "Log-on" instructions. And once again they are clearly written, and MUCHO OBVIOUS! '
There is a bank of computers on the left hand side of the room that are ONLY used for testing - therefore, not available for use, neither is the AF computer in the back left hand corner of the room. There is a LARGE sign on the white telling all who enter that these computers and the AF computer are not to be used. Period. End of Story.
Now, with ALL that being said we hit the crux of the matter.
People are stupid. Dumb. or Blind. Or all three.
The *same* people come in everyday and try and use the testing computers, or the AF computer. The SAME people who are told EVERYDAY that these computers are not available for use EVER! After passing by the initial sign asking them to sign in - they don't. After passing the sign AGAIN, they don't sign in. I spend more time passing around the dign in sheet, or telling people to NOT use said computers, than I do helping people who have actually opened their eyes and read the FUCKING signs!!! ARGH!!!
So, with my frustration at maximum capacity yesterday I made some MORE signs.
~ Made two large signs that read " For testing only' and placed them on the two rows of computers that are not to be used. I then moved the chairs to block access to these terminals.
~ I made another sign that asked people to SIGN IN and placed it on the dorr, at eye level in BIG BOLD lettering. That makes FOUR signs.
~ I instructed every person who walked in how to log on.
And yet, stupidity won.
TWO people somehow missed ALL the signs and didn't sign in, and then proceeded to try and squeeze their fat asses pass the 'blockage' sealing off the testing computers, and try and use them! They actually read the sign that said ' TESTING ONLY' and still tried to use the damn computer. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Really. Where the hell did you leave your helmet?
I looked her while I was trying to help someone else, and had to leave what I doing, and ask her to move. She stared at me like I was the retard and asked why she has to move.....I felt like telling her because the exercise would do her good, but instead I asked if she read the sign attached to the computer....she said she had, and I said there's your answer. MOVE!
To my utter disbelief she asked if she could "just print something off' and I stopped, took a deep breath, and told her, " These computers are for TESTING, they are NOT to be used for anything else, if that is a problem I suggest you take it up with the powers that be, until then I'm the powers that be, and I'm asking to shift your self to another monitor. Is that clear enough? "
Apparently it was. And the other folks in the lab almost died laughing. She didn't return.
Here's you sign Fat ass.