**~~ As a side note - I should totally be doing some research for my paper, and/or working - Yeah you see how that's working out for me. ~~**
Ignorance is Bliss. At least that is what they say. I'm not buying it. The only thing ignorance does is make you - the offender- look stupid. All I can think of when you speak is ' Where is your helmet?'.
Should *I* be more tolerant? Probably. But I ain't in the fucking mood, and tolerance isn't the answer to blatant ignorance and stupidity of people too self obsessed to education themselves on a subject before speaking. There *I* said it.
I'm not sure where exactly I want to go with this but recently I have been reading and hearing a number of ridiculous and ignorant statements. In one post I recently read - someone admitted to only drinking bottled water, because the water filtration standards of Germany weren't high enough. Oh. My. God. Of course this is coming from someone who believes all spouses in the area are " dumb as stomped grits" What? Really?
I'm just tired of stupidity. These people should come with a warning label - something that says ' I don't represent my gender or my nationality! ' - they should be marked so the rest of us can be forewarned. Gah.
I'm not in the mood anymore. They just always seem to be a little black rain cloud on an otherwise beautiful day.