
Needy....LOOK AT ME!!!

I'm needy and I'm looking for validation!

Not really....I can't back that up.

Honestly, I am just looking to expand my blogging base.

I am working on a blog post that basically lays out my resolutions, fears, goals and dreams for this year and the following year.

One of my resolutions/goals for the next two years is to finally commit some real time to my blog and to writing. I have several blogs (some of which are for personal use; some for writing my epic book of useless stories of my life...and well....some are for bitching about my life)
-- I am not brave enough to share all of it with my current readers, but that needs to change.

So here it is blogging friends and world wide web of fellow humanoids....

Add me, share me, talk about me.....whatever.
I want to take the plunge.
I am ready to come out of the blogging closet and share my madness with the world.

So if you visit and like what you read - TAG ME, ADD ME or otherwise make nice with me.
If you don't like me.....well, you're missing out!