No, its not some dirty porn site, or some take off of a James Bond character - its worse than all of that.
Is it a plane?
Is it a a new Superhero?
No, its a misguided, pathetic excuse for a parent.
Oh, goody.
I have been watching the great saga of the Octuplets mom for a while - I have sat at my little computer and scanned through all the drama, the headlines, and the miscellaneous slander aimed at this crazy woman. I have tried to see though all the information with the hope that I might understand or even justify why someone would feel the need to be a crop rotation device for the sake of having more children than you could possibly handle or properly care for.
In the end I could be silent no more.
I have complete sympathy for the thousands of couples out there than want nothing more than to have a child of their own. For these parents it is a deep need to love and care for someone that is bigger than themselves. All too often these parents waste away thousands of dollars of their savings and security on the small chance one treatment will give them all they hoped for. I understand their despair. My sisters have been there and I have seen what it can do to a couple when mother nature throws them a wild card.
This is past all of that. This woman is not only making a mockery of these peoples dreams and sacrifice, but she is taking advantage of everyone in the State of California. I'm a Californian and I take great offense. How dare you sit there and tell a nation that you did what you did because its what *you* want? Really? How about what *YOUR* children NEED and what *YOUR* children want out of their lives. What kind of mother, let alone counselor, puts the needs of themselves before the needs of their children?
I can't help but wonder how many people in the great State of California are really that sympathetic to your cause. After all there are at least a thousand current civil servants who will be losing their jobs this week, and yet they will watch you get thousands of dollars a week in free medical care, benefits, and education help. I'm sure when they are looking at their own children and wondering how they are going to support them; they will bare in mind the multi-million dollar leach that won't have to worry about the same problem.
There are several members of my family and extended family that work for the state of California- they range from firefighters, to retirement advisers, to teachers. So, yeah, its fucking personal. I don't know about you Octopussy but I prefer to have emergency services available to me and my family when we need it. I prefer to have teachers to educate my nieces and nephews. I prefer to have my grandparents receive their hard earned retirement checks.
What I don't "prefer" is to have someone lie you be the poster child for what is wrong with our state and federal system of benefits. I don't 'prefer' to see you take money from our education system to support your child-bearing hobby, or self-esteem issues. What I don't 'prefer' is to see you drag innocent children down with you as you spiral into a self-obsessed, justified martyrdom status of what it is to be a parent. Becuase guess what you silly twat - what you are doing is NOT what a parent does. What YOU are doing is what they classify in psychology circles as HOARDING.
Yes, that's right Hoarding. You would assume that a psychology major would recognize that? You seem to think that you are doing something noble but in the end you are hurting these children; and here's a newsflash - they won't forget it. Good luck with that.
The bottom line here is; someone should be reasonable for for the actions of this woman, because as far as I can see she didn't and couldn't act alone. The parents of this silly botch should be held partly accountable. The medical establishment who allowed this should be held accountable. The state of California and the eduction system should hang their heads in shame for enabling this bullshit to continue.
Oh, look there is another good word Ms. Octopussy should know - Enabling.