How do you know you want children? It seems that from the earliest age we are programmed to think that having a baby is 'what you do'. So how do you know that its what YOU want and not something you THINK you want?
I'm not some hairy-legged, uber-feminist, "down-with-the-man" kind of girl. I'm simply curious as to how we can grow to think anything other than having a child; especially with the societal views still stating the norm is marriage and then children?
I do not have children. I do not want children. So its it me? Am I damaged goods? Have I crossed some unknown societal boundary, and I am no longer wanted by the rest of the society? Have I brought to light some crazy taboo, and I must now be shunned? Really?
I live in a military community. My husband and I felt that it is the best way to stay connected to other military families and friends. It is the best way to be active in the community as well as find support and security when he is deployed. I still feel this way, and I continue to live in our military community, but I'm not sure I really fit. I feel like a round peg, trying to fit into a square hole....or something like that.
Everyone has kids. Everyone. You would have thought it is a requirement to be in the military, there are some many of them. At times I wonder if they don't put something the water right about the time a deployment returns. Oh I drink the water alright, but I make sure and use a filter. duh.
Its frustrating and annoying to hear nothing but the scream of children, the endless droning of expectant mothers complaining about cravings and a weak bladder; conversation that never leave the subject of diapers, soccer, playgroups, and the eating habit of a 10 month old. Really, did you lose some of your IQ and personality as you pushed little Johnny out your twat?
As alien as they see me, I too, stare back at them with utter confused and lack of any understanding as to why? Why did you have children? And why should I be miserable too?