I don't think there is any such thing as a victimless crime - everything is owned, or of value to someone. You know the type of thing; someone turns over a bunch of trash cans, or spray paints a wall of a building - its not victimless because inevitably someone else has to clean it up. It comes at the cost of, us the taxpayer, or of the building owner. Now, I know that a person was hurt in the act of vandalism but to say its victimless is a poor choice of words.
What am I rambling about this? Because of the recent rash of crime that has been cropping up in my area - more importantly much of what is happening can be narrowed down to one particular group of people; we live on a military base....three guesses as to how could be responsible.
There have a serious rise in recent weeks of break-ins, car break-ins and petty theft of personal property from storage areas, and balconies.
I have been a victim of personal identity theft; it was not only scary but frustrating. I no longer could rely on my personal ID being personal. Someone else out there could use my social security number as their identity.And there is absolutely nothing I can do to further protect who I am. I cannot change my social. I spend money every year on extensive credit checks, and refreshing my security on ALL accounts. Bastards.
Lately , however, those feelings of anger and frustration have resurfaced. Although I am more than angry, I am disappointed. The current thefts in my community can only be the result of the actions of military dependents or card holding persons. -( If you are military or related to it, you understand what I mean)- Our community is relatively small on this particular base, which only further limits the possible group of people responsible.
I have stories of people sleeping in the upstairs bedrooms, and individuals coming into their home and taking whatever they could!!! What the Fuck, over? There have been incidents of people crawl up onto the first floor balconies and enter the home, or stealing everything isn't nailed down off the balcony. ~~ Did I mention that *I* live on the FIRST FUCKING FLOOR!!!
~~ I dare the little bastards to take ma shit - I will go all Latina on their ass. Oh, yes....I have the ability to be ghetto, and whip ass with a flip-flop!! ~~
The final straw would be a friend recently had her child's toy taken from their backyard. REALLY! Who the fuck steals from a goddamn two year old? And this isn't the first time - someone had the nerve to steal a baby stroller out of her truck a year back! Who is this person...the GodDamn Toy R Us Bandit? How much does a Baby stroller go for on the black market anyway? Was the chid's sized monster truck the getaway vehicle??? Seriously people how fucking sad do you have to be to do something like that?
Here's my final thought - I think we can all agree that the perpetrators of this rash of theft are young, and dependents. And as such I would doubt they have a secret hide out or Bat Cave, where they are stashing the stolen goods. Moreover, I seriously doubt there is a thriving Black Market of stolen gas coupons amongst kids....unless that is how they are fueling up the Monster Truck of the two year old??? MMMMmm. Seriously though this stuff has to be somewhere, and it has to be within the reach of a parental unit. Need I say more?
No crime is victimless - unless I get my hands on them and then someone is going to victimized!