It amazes me that on such a historic day; some bastard has to come along a ruin it for me - well, maybe not ruin - just piss me off.
I have mulling over this post for awhile this morning - and in the end I have decided that I'm going to distill it; to be a little mysterious of its source, but make a brief and angry rant. Sit tight folks. This bitch is pissed.
I'm happy about our President Elect. I feel as though I have a little more trust in the election process, and a little more faith in my fellow countrymen and women. But you know....that's just my opinion. That's how *I* feel. If you don't feel the same way about the election, or the process, or the President elect; Fine. You are entitled to your opinion and I respect your for it. I pass NO judgment.
When you pass judgment over my opinion -- you better have a good reason and an even better argument -- because playing the "support the troops" card is a *bad* idea.
~ Here it goes.....
You may not like my politics but I never asked you to. You may think I'm a idealistic liberal - I'm not - but you are entitled to believe what you want. You may be disappointed and angry at the results of our election - now you know how I felt the last two elections - but I'm not responsible for the turn of events - a lot of people voted.
But if you think for one minute that by my choice of candidate I'm less of a military wife, or that I *do not* support our men and women in uniform - you need to back the Fuck up.
How dare you play that card with me Sunshine! Its so easy for you to sit back and pass judgment on me - when you know nothing about my life. Its so easy for non-military persons to say that by voting one way or another we are LESS patriotic. Guess what jackass - The next time my husband or my friend's husbands are down range _ I'll remember YOU who is less patriotic. The next time my husband has to go take care of remains coming up from down range - I'll remind you who the FUCK is patriotic.
Who are you to point the finger at me? I don't see you losing time with your spouse, or family member due to military service. I don't see you living thousands of miles away from loved ones because of military service? Don't send me *support the Troops* emails if you don't really understand what the fuck it means! Don't pretend to support anything to justify your ignorance, and use it as a way to pass judgment on others.
Argue your point by all means - if it means that much to you - voice your opinions and tell me your thoughts. Think before you speak, and make your point based on issues that you understand and you have some experience of.
But to base your attack on me on *MY* patriotism. Really? Stupid, really stupid.
I dare you to play the military card again...what the fuck would you know about it.