
A Week in Review

A Week in Review -

This week, as so many others, have been filled with nonsense, random stupid and more tasks/errands/must-do's than I have time or patience for.

I am a uniquely lazy person by nature - well, maybe not lazy, but definitely a person that has the unique ability to 'put-off' or otherwise neglect certain responsibilities and important tasks until it gets to the point of sheer panic and flailing arms and wailing voices.  It's a talent, really.

On top of all of that there is always some crisis or crazy situation that one or more of my friends or family have called me about - *cue Mama San* - and then my day is blown by advice, counseling or general abandonment of anything other than the crisis at hand....(in all fairness that is my choice, rather than anything my friends have family....different matter altogether)

So, on days like this when faced with an overwhelming stack of classwork, Thank You cards, To-Do lists and necessary phone calls and weekend trip packing.....I'm here.
On my blog.
Listening to streaming radio.
Ready to lay down some truth on my homies. 


A Week in Review

  • If you call a HOME number no less than 5 times and leave 2 messages AFTER hearing my recorded voice say, " You have reached Kris and Parker Hamilton,  message and we will call ya back....eventually".....and you STILL LEAVE A FUCKING message for a doctor you need to cancel with.....
You are retarded and beyond the help of someone who would normally have answered and told you, you had a wrong number.  Your stupid has caused me to stare, open-mouthed at the phone and think.....stupid is something that should hurt. Really hurt.

  • Acrylic nails are the devil's play things. They serve so little purpose that I am shocked and slightly disappointed in my decision-making abilities when choosing to have these....these....claws glued to my hands. 
I can appreciated the aesthetic look of nice, trimmed, white nails. They make my hands look long and elegant and I don't have to worry about discoloration or chipped freaking nail polish. (yes, apparently I'm not only a poor decision-maker, but a vain poor decision-maker...) But good GODDAMN......what a pain in the ass. After several days these nails turn into a hazard not only to me, but to everyone else around me that I have to text, touch and generally interact with.....
I won't even go into the task of removing contact lens with these claws. Jezsus.

  • The Debate. 
Everyone has an opinion.....I just wish they would keep it to themselves. So, we as a nation, have decided that the 'enthusiasm' in which our current President presents his political platforms is a deal breaker. REALLY???? So what you are telling me if Romney presents HIS political platforms dressed in an American flag, with a big band playing and fireworks going off behind him.....he is a 'better' candidate? none of that happened.....but seriously? Because Romney said everything with that smarmy, used car salesman smile and laughed inappropriately during his disjointed  answers to economic growth and international policy that he makes a better argument??? Um. Really. Wow. This isn't a joke, people. These are serious concerns and serious platforms that I want delivered in a competent and precise format......I give up.


  • Math. Oh, algebra you are a bastard.
Hate is not a strong enough word to describe my feelings toward  Math and finding his 'x'. NO ONE CARES...move on.....I hear 'y' is easy.
I hate, hate, hate...standard deviations, factoring polynomials, quadratic equations and integers. The words alone make me feel stupid. Factor this and find one cares. Seriously, if I ever go into a store and the sales sign says, " ONLY TODAY - our valued customers will be able to save 50% of 2x (sales price -$3) plus an extra 2.35% if you can tell what the fuck that means!" I will happily change my opinion of Math and figure it out. But until that day people.....POTATO. The answer is potato and I don't care.

End crazy fat girl ranting against the world she sees as stupid. Sometimes.

Carry On & Get busy.