No sure what this has to do with anything today - but it made me laugh, and that's half the battle.
So, things come in threes. And I do believe that those things that come in threes are not good. Bad ju-ju. Bad. Is three an unlucky number? Is that why these happen or is it a strange coincidence? I think it karma, either that or the Big man upstairs -- insert appropriate deity -- is really pissed; or has PMS; because lets face it folks only women can multi-task, and keep grudges going.
What threes am I talking about, you ask.
~ One fried XBox 360
~ One dead iPod
~ One blown fuse & light bulb in the apartment -- A light bulb that managed to burn out and crash the fucking fuse for the WHOLE house at 1:30 am. Nice.
Electronics hate me. Anything that has to be plugged in, charged, or rebooted hates me. I swear to :: insert deity :: that its not just me. My husband thinks I should come with a warning label. You know the joke that says some people shouldn't be left around with sharp pointed objects? Well, I shouldn't be left with electronics gadgets of any description.
Believe when I say the irony of my current employment is not lost on me - I work in a computer lab -. I'm responsible for the computers and other random techie crap that make up this little lab. God help me if anything stops working. We be screwed! My boss man has an awful lot of faith in me. Poor guy.
So, now I am faced with buying a new iPod, and new XBox -- a new XBox will be the upgraded to the new Elite..mmmmmm, I wonder if the sudden demise of the game unit is not merely accidental after all.....-- as well as I will be doing battle with the light fixture in the bathroom in the hopes I can have light in there and not electrocute myself in the process; that or blow another fuse which plunges the whole damn building into darkness. My bad.
I can almost hear the electronics at home plotting my downfall.....