Don't count on it buddy.
"all that is required for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing" Edmond Burke.
Let me start by saying; this only happens to me. I'm seriously contemplating writing a book about this craziness. A book that can serve as a warning to others. A book that will teach you to recognize madness in others, as well as how a normal person can hide their craziness and then spring it on you during an unexpected moment.
I shall call this book ' Us & Them : How to spot THEM.
Before I begin I would also like to make it clear to those who don't really know me; this shit happens a lot. Really. I'm some kind of freak magnet, and not in a good way either. Maybe I should stop making eye contact with people, or maybe I should just stop talking to other people that have not been screen someone other than myself; by someone who is able to spot mad-crazy before it's too late. Doh.
Here's my situation.
I meet a lot of people in every job I work in. I have a tendency to take jobs in which interaction with lots of people is part of the job; example, Bartender, or Advocacy- I know that is quite a spectrum of jobs...I figure if I have enough careers one might stick - Therefore, this current job is no exception. Its not an important job, and it requires no real effort on my part, but living overseas as a military spouse I just needed something to keep me busy, pay my tuition, and allow for a little money in my pocket. I work for a contractor in a computer lab. I study. I talk to people who work in the building. I occasionally help the Internet-retarded log on, and print things off the Net. Easy. Straight forward. Yeah right.
I am a pretty social person and therefore I usually carry on conversations with most everyone who enters my domain. Mostly the "regulars"; my daily motley crew of students, and Professors scrambling to get print-offs, and homework assignments done and in hand by sound of bell. He is one of them. He was normal. He was talktive. He was NORMAL!!! I swear to God. I had no crazy vibe from him at all.
THEN.......I got this handed to me - By individual stated above.
And I quote.
~~~"I.Q. Test - What is greater than God, worse than the devil, the dead eat it, and if the living eat it they will die?" ~~~
This was printed on a a piece of card, that was the size of a business card. On one side it has the question, and on the reverse is the answer. This person, with whom I had several really nice talks with; this person with whom is a fellow military spouse, and college student, handed me this card. He smiled at me, and told me he hoped I would 'think about it, and we could talk next week".
The answer : Nothing.
However, to get the answer I had to read a passage of God -fearing, Fire and fucking brimstone, burn -in- hell- if -you- don't- repent- now bullshit. Seriously!!!! I shall quote some of the best parts....
" Do you think you will go to Heaven? Do you think you are good enough"
" I fyou have told a lie ( even a white lie), Or stole something ( even something small) Then you are a lying thief"
" If you have lusted you have committed adultery in our heart"
AND My personal favorite.....
" If you've hated someone, the Bible says you are a murderer"
JUDGMENTAL MUCH? Have you lost your MIND!
So apparently I need to be saved, and I should " repent today! " Then I can go to heaven. What could I possibly have said that made this perfectly "normal" person lose his mind, and feel that it is his "Christian" duty to save my soul????
My soul is just fine thank you. So, you can take you hypocritical, hell and fire, holiler -than -thou, self-rightous, over-bearing, ignorant mumbo-jumbo, and kiss my damned ass all the way back to dark ages that you seem to be stuck in!
This Bible boy is about to be Schooled on Monday. He picked the wrong bitch to save.
Refer to Quote at beginning of this entry - I hope you realize, I'm the 'good man', and he is the evil. :) I won't stand by and do nothing. Hee-hee