~~~*** Warning***~~~ : Pissed off venting will now commence - Bad Language, possible offensive obscenities, and disturbing visuals possible!
What the Fuck over! Why do I get myself into these ridiculous situations? Honestly, do I have Doormat written on my forehead? Do I project a vibe of' I'm a sucker, fuck me over'? I think I do. And I'm kinda fucking over it at this point!
I could possibly be overacting at point - I'm currently overdosing on a coffee and Chai tea concoction .... I think its eating its way through my stomach lining - and I'm listening to very angry music, and generally stewing in a vat of angry self-pity, and pent up aggression.
But in the end I suppose I have no one to blame but myself. I should have seen this coming. But, well, I think my radar was off, or broken. FUCK. I'm fucking stuck now.
( - Just so you know, the situation to which I am referring has nothing to do with anyone who reads or is a member of this blog. If it was I would use their name.....heehee-)
I don't know why I'm so bothered by this. I left High School a long time ago. But some how this person seems to make me feel like I'm in some fucking popularity test. Like I give two shits. But I guess I do. I have alot invested in this, and I'm not feeling any reciprocation. Instead, I have to continue to support this childish pity party, and hope I'm crowned Queen.
I know this doesn't sound very sane, or is clear. I understand that to most of you this sounds like the ramblings of a deranged escapee of a psych-ward. But I'm just venting....just annoyed.....just tired of the bullshit. Bottom line it doesn't have to make sense to you - its just supposed to make me feel better. And it does. A little. I need a smoke.