Is it me, or are more people - i.e. Military wives - buying into those "sell-something-to-me" parties? The ones that your 'friends' invite you to with the lure of food, alcohol, and free shit; then you get there and BAM!, they try and sell you something you don't need, don't want, and can't afford????
Example - Well a few examples -
Passion parties - Wow, really? Let's think about this for just a second. You really believe that you can get a group of women together, who probably don't know each well enough, to feel comfortable about, looking, and buying sex toys, and lingerie? So by knowing this you then feel the only answer to is lure these women with the promise of food, no kids, and A-L-C-O-H-O-L? Ok, so that works, I'll give you that. However, the repercussions of doing-so is a room filled with drunk women and sex toys. Do I have to spell it out for you. Ewww. Dangerous. And I guarantee when those women see each other at school when picking with their kids; there will little or no eye contact, and uncontrollable cringing. Do you see my point? Me scared.
Tupperware Parties - Yes, they are no longer a relic of a by-gone era. They exist, and you should be afraid, very afraid! Its PLASTIC BOXES WITH LIDS. I'll let you in on a can buy them at the commissary for $4 ( set of four); they are washable, stackable, and durable. And if you lose one you have lost a WHOLE 99 cents. In comparison you can get sucked into one of those parties spend $50-60 on a few sets of PLASTIC BOXES WITH LIDS, and due to the expense you will kill your kid or your husband if they have the audacity to use said containers for storing food in them. I won't even get started on what happens if you LOSE ONE! THEY ARE PLASTIC BOXES WITH LIDS. You just got taken my friend.
Candle - anything - parties. - Candles. Just candles. And occasionally a small assortment of crap you would find at the Dollar tree. Oh yay. Here's the thing - Go to your local Dollar tree and buy the crap you "think" you need for a DOLLAR! Then go to your local grocery store, or WalMart, or in my case BX.....and they have CANDLES, that last for just as long, smell just as nice, like just the same for HALF THE PRICE. And you don't pay for freaking shipping. Duh.
STOP asking me if I want to host a party - and no, the promise of free crap that I don't want nor need is not an incentive, its a threat. STOP asking me if I have a friend that would be interested. I don't. And if they are interested, here's the direction to the party, enjoy. STOP asking to go. The answer is no. Unless there is free alcohol, and you want a heckler sitting in the back pissing off the "hostess, and her pusher".
I had a bad experience.
And I couldn't give two shits if it's to raise money for Billy's Football team to go somewhere. I'm not going am I? It ain't my kid is it? If you want my money sell something I a cookie. Wash my car. Anything but parties!!!!!!