-- The 'X' is for JC on the Cross Hahahahahahaa. That's for you A. --
The bitch is in the House - let the bitching commence.
A little down this Christmas and I believe I know what has brought on my Holiday malaise; Germany. Sorry Germany. Its nothing personal; but I'm not sure we are good together. We are too different. I can't change and neither are you; but we can still be friends. Call me sometime.
I have lived overseas 15 out of my 30 years of life. I love all the amazing opportunities I have had, and continue to have that living overseas offers. And yet, I find myself falling into a funk. I feel slightly incompatible with my adopted country; although I know it is merely circumstantial and it will pass I thought I would write a list of why we can no longer see each. *makes me laugh to talk of Germany as a relationship....so suck it up and laugh too damnit*
~ Cellphones - Just take my word for it. Buying minutes is insane, and getting a plan is highway robbery! Aaron's iPhone bill is killer. Not to mention all the freaking message services are in German. Gah.
~ Getting Gas - Uh yeah. Gas cards are ridiculous, time-consuming, and never work properly. This week someone genius put in the wrong numbers for the price change and it deducted $7.00 a gallon on people's ration cards. Epic. Fail.
~ Shopping - Now this is a Catch-22 situation. Although it is freaking awesome to buy certain items in Europe; it comes with a downside of cost, and compatibility. If the dollars sucks against the Euro, buying in the economy will break you, and even if the Euro is weaker and we get more for the buck......not all European furniture or electronic items are compatible with US homes, and lifestyles.
On the flip side of this argument is if you can't or won't shop on the economy - you have the BX as the alternative....see next entry.
~ BX - Where do I start. Poorly stocked is the biggie...never enough of anything, and the stuff they do have is tacky,cheap, and highly flammable. The linens look like someone ate butterflies, pooped rainbows, and used a comforter to wipe their ass - comforters that are never in King size anyway so I don't know why I look or am so bitter. The clothing section is enough to make you fall into a epileptic seizure, or die laughing at the size selection and cost. I swear the people who order for this dept. are color-blind, bedazzler-happy, miniature FuBu wearing hoochies that have the fashion taste of a streetwalker. Yeah, its that bad. So bad I won't even start on the rest of the depts....I could be here all night.
~ German road system - ARGHHHHHHHHHHH. Imagine if you will a road that could only accommodate one and half car widths, factor in 80-90 mph speeds + ALL signs are in a foreign language you barely grasp + on-coming traffic + American sized vehicle. And the screaming commences. As does finding God. Autobahns Good. Country roads Bad.
I could, and probably will continue this later but for now I will stop. Germany and indeed, Europe is a amazing place. I would never regret my time here. However, as much as a German bride would be very out of place in US, and feel overwhelmed by the language barrier, cultural differences, and overall strangeness; we too feel that way here in Germany. We will always be friends you & I....but we can never be together. Forget me, you deserve better.