It my hundredth post. To commemorate this blog I want to say a few words on me, and maybe mark where I am at this point. To recap on the craziness that is me and my life.
*Welcome to my blog. Welcome to the 100th Post. Welcome to who I am & what's on my mind*
So much has happened in my life since I started this blog. This blog was addition to several others that never really took on any life of their own. They were random spaces that I would occasionally post an enlightened comment and not return too until I was bored. But this one; this one is different. I'm not sure why. Maybe its an unexplainable need to vent, talk and share what is going on inside my head. All I know is it is my place. It is my little part of cyber space to blurt out what I need to say, my release valve, my voice when I'm not sure how to tell those around what I need to.
Thanks for listening.
Here is where I'm after one hundred blogs.....
I'm married. I have been for almost six years!!! They have a crazy six years and have shaped the person who writes to you now. I have grown-up, matured and found true acceptance. I never allowed myself to believe that I could find someone like Aaron, but somehow he found me and we never looked back. I'm truly blessed and forever happy. In the end that is all that matters the rest is just meaningless without him in life. And there is something incredibly comforting in that. - Love you babe. Always have, and always will.-
I have crazy family members. I love them all. I have never lost sight of how important they are, how much they have helped shape the person I have become and continue to be. They are strange, annoying, needy, unpredictable, and overwhelming - but they are there for me, and I for them. No matter how far I travel , I know I always have a home I can go to. There is a family I can lean on, there is hope and kindness that can only be given by those you raised you and loved you unconditionally. I have lost so many of those people, but I have to remember that for all I have lost, there is more to remember and more people who still remain. I love you all.
I have my great people in life. These people are not my relations but they are just as important, and at times I;m more grateful for their affect on my life. They are as much a part of my family as my blood relatives. They include my friends, my married family and everyone who passed through my life and taught me something. You are all my family. I will never forget your patience, kindness and acceptance of my quirks, my needy actions, and my endless moodiness. I would do anything for you. When a person can step back and look at the people in their and is good. And if that is only one person, that's all you need.
I am a military wife. I am endless proud to stand among this group of people and be counted. I'm proud of my husband's sacrifice and his commitment to something so much bigger than himself. This life doesn't define who I am, but it does make me thankful for everything I have and why I have what I do. I have meet some of the great people because of this life I share with my military man, and that is something few other people can say. Semper Fi, baby. Hooah.
I'm Latina. I know I don't look the part or speak the language with any kind of proficiency, but it who I am. It is my blood. It is my family history. I am proud to be Latina, and I try everyday to honor the tradition that I come from. I'm a Martinez Girl, there are 4 of us, and we are proud. My little sister and I will be the first Martinez Girls to get our college education and we will be proud to have Martinez on our degrees and hold our heads high! Muy bien!
No more regrets. No more fear. I'm here and I'm happy and I couldn't possibly ask for more in life. I know how fortunate I am. I'm blessed. I'm content. I'm happy to be called wife, friend, sister, daughter, and Latina.
I'm not afraid anymore.
Welcome to the world of me.