Moving is inevitable. Or is it. I suppose one could argue that you don't HAVE to move. Being content in one place your whole life is not only possible but practical & common for many people. But not everyone lives a lifestyle that isn't mobile at one time or another. Life happens. College, marriage, jobs, the military. Just a few possibilities. And when those changes occur and you have to move all you own to a different town, state or even country; you call a mover. And the real fun begins.
This ain't my first rodeo, princess.
I have moved multiple times - two dozen times at least - I have moved from house to house down the street; from town to city and back again; from state to state and from country to country....and everything in between. Big moves, small moves, international moves, combined moves, self moves. Moving myself and my family; moving friends; with friends; from apartments, to houses, to military housing, to European living. And yet, there is one common thread that ties all of this moving frenzy together.....Movers.
God bless 'em. Movers don't seem to change much town to town or even country to country. They seem to be pretty universal as is the moving experience.
Every move seems to begin at o'dark thirty and end well after the working day should be over. Armed with endless amounts of brown shiny boxing tape, pliable brown cardboard and grey packing paper; they arrive far too early in the morning or at least promise they will. Once they finally arrive, a constant flurry of packing, tape ripping and box-slinging fills the day. Of course there is always a regular schedule of breaks and water drinking to break up the monotony; not to mention the smoke breaks and friendly banter. Overall, movers are a special breed of hard-working guys that generally take pride in the speed and accuracy of their packing, loading or unloading of a shipment.
With this being said.....This most recent move was pretty standard; with a few exceptions. Of course. It's me.
The German movers were, of course, very efficient. I have never seen movers pack and load as quickly as these guys. In just eight hours, three movers had packed out 178 boxes and loaded all of them into five shipping crates, as well as cleaned up all the packing material carnage, taken an hour lunch break and dismantled and packed a dozen pieces of large furniture. But it appears this comes at a price.
All none of the boxes were itemized; I have absolutely no idea where anything is, no idea what is in any of the damn boxes. At least ten boxes have no stickers or markings so they are mystery boxes. My bed is in pieces because the movers in Germany broke a central piece and their American counterparts put it togehter incorrectly. Awesome. I have unpacked eight boxes thus far, and I have already found half a set of crystal glasses shattered and a broken lid to a cooking pot.
Le. Sigh.
I hate moving. Because in the end no cares about my things as much as I do; because of this no one takes as much care as I would when packing them.
*crinkle, crinkle*