So I see it now. That stupid Hollywood cliche that plays out in so many T.V./Movie frat-boy fantasy that portrays dogs as women magnets. As much as it kills me to admit Hollywood is on to something.....they are. Shadow is a living, breathing poster child for that exact point. He is a magnet....for everyone.
I can't walk 5 feet into the local pet store without someone fawning all over him. "Is that a Wiemaraner?" To which I reply," No. He's a Great Dane puppy". And inevitability the reply is always the same, " Oh my, is going to be so big....just look at his paws" I always smile politely and stare at his feet, with an sense of impending doom that he is indeed going to be huge.
What have I gotten myself into?
I can't say that everyone's reaction is the similar; children often squeal with joy and run head first at Shadow's face. In true Great Dane form he loves it and is forever patient. Although the same cannot be say of the mothers who look on in horror as their child hurtles themselves in the face of a strange, large dog. The slo-mo effect of a mother snatching back their child by the collar has me smiling quietly to myself and reinforcing the idea that I have always held to be true - children have better sense than adults. Fear is often the result of a parent who, with the best of intentions, tranfers their irrational fear upon their kids.....
But I digress.....
People are sucked in by Shadow gravitational 'cuteness' field. They can't help but stare. They are compelled to ask - What is he? Is he friendly? How old? He must be full grown...right? I answer calmly that is indeed a boy, he loves everyone, he is currently 4.5 months old and he has a lot of growing to do before he is full grown. A LOT.
I may be answering the questions but in many ways they aren't really asking or even listening to the replies. They are just curious to see the dog and touch his surreal blue colored coat and marvel at the ridiculously soft floppy ears. I am, for all tense and purposes, an after thought. A voice to answer questions no one really cares to he the answers to and to keep Shadow from being lured away by some stranger.
In short, I live in his Shadow.