
It's on my mind....

I will warn some of the new readers of this blog - that some things on my mind might offend you - if that is the case.....oh well. Personal opinion is one of our wonderful rights as humans....and more importantly bloggers.

NPR is one of my secret indulgences - most mornings I sit at my computer and log on to NPR and listen the podcast of the day.  As of late, much of the news chatter is dealing with the current election and Republican candidacy. I know I should be listening with the interest of a responsible voter; trying to keep up to date with our current political (possible) candidates. Instead, I find myself listening to the sound bites and updates of the Republican elections as though it is a train wreck......I cringe as I listen and yet I can't stop.

I am a democratic. I am liberal in my political views. I am a Pro-choice kinda girl. I believe that every one should have the same opportunities. I believe that education, healthcare and standard of living should be accessible to everyone. I believe that there is and should be a separation of Church and State....but does this last belief define me as a liberal Democrat? NO. It should define me as an American.
The very basis of America is the idea that the our government represents and protects our right to equal representation; freedoms of speech and choice of worship. But that's the irony isn't it? Our politicians are Americans and therefore, enjoy equal ability to worship their religion of choice and enjoy freedom of speech. Yet, the political positions that they fight for and represent should be restricted to government representation of the people that voted them into such positions. It shouldn't be based on their religious rhetoric or their moral beliefs. No? Am I missing something?

I resent the fact that there is an unspoken acceptance of political campaigning that involves the use of religious posturing and using moral issues as a way to rally votes. What happened to separation of Church and State?

  • Pro-Choice/Pro-Life - I am Pro-Choice. I believe that it is one of the most personal choices a woman can face. I resent anyone - personal or political - that thinks that this choice is not one I can and should make. I am further offended when the current Republican candidates use this societal taboo (which it shouldn't be taboo, but let's be is) as a platform to get votes! Who are you to define 'when life starts'. Who are you to judge the choices of a woman who has a difficult choice to make without some religious nutcase calling her immoral and a killer. I'm not sure about you, but I don't want a Presidential candidate or, god forbid a President, who thinks they have the right to tell me what I can amd cannot do with my body. No Thanks. 
  • Oh, so you're Catholic, good for you. Oh, you're Christian. Ok. Oh and you think the Lord Our Savoir is saving you....awesome. WHATEVER. I don't care. Honestly I don't care if you run around your backyard naked, in a full moon, slapping your ass with a birch stick. NONE of it matters. Seriously. I DON'T FUCKING CARE. Stop standing there with your self-righteous, religious rhetoric and tell me how the hell you are going to save the dying middle class?  And I swear, if you say God is showing you the way or has chosen you for this job.....I will cut someone. Your personal belief system should ever be a source of interest for the American people. What SHOULD be important is a candidates record of representation; their ability to construct a plan of action to save our economy; their ideas on National Healthcare; their understanding of what is wrong with our education system.....the list goes on.  The only time I should hear the word Jesus is if it your first name. 
  • Occupy Wall Street. Ok, really? How about you occupy something a job? Or the thousands of struggling charities that need volunteers? Or a desk where you write and call your representatives? Or how about you target something, or somewhere that will actually listen and bring about change? Like....oh I don't know.....the variety of city, and local level political campaigns???? I'm sorry everyone; while the idea was nice in theory, you have created a dirty joke. No cares. To many of us, who you mock and scream at as we go to work, you are nothing more than a bunch of unwashed-disillusioned- college-hippies. I saw the Occupy Washington DC and it was....well....sad. IN fact when I saw it, I thought it was a homeless city until one of friends laughed and told me it was Occupy DC. *facepalm*
I may sound bitter and jaded....and maybe I am. But I don't care about your religious orientation or moral beliefs. I care about the future of this country. I care about the future education system that will be teaching my children. I care about the healthcare system that my family will be relying on. I care about the economy unable to climb out of a black hole in which the hard-working middle class are slowly disappearing into. I care about big business swallowing up our local markets and living in a land of WalMarts. I care about my future. Try talking about the real issues not ones that have no bearing on the future, my future.