Feel the BURN!!! Yeah. Whatever.
Its just a whole lot of sweating, huffing and puffing, and pain. Get your mind out of the gutter! I'm talking about exercise!!! E.X.E.R.C.I.S.E. If only it were as much fun as the other huffing and puffing. If its so goooood for you, then why is soooooo fucking boring and monotonous???
And don't you dare tell me it CAN be fun, if you do it right. - Again, I seem to be entering the world of sexual innuendo - Guess what buddy, Bite. Me.
Where is the 'fun' in sweating your over-sized ass off in front of a mirror which is not only reflecting my pathetic attempt at exercise back at me....but I also can see the reflection of all the other people trying not to stare at the fat girl in the back looking as if she will pass out at any minute and FLY off the back of the treadmill!!!!! - Stop laughing Amanda! - I ask you, WHY?
I know this is good for you, but so are Paps, and we all know how much 'fun' they are. I mean, I know exercise is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle but damn!
Ok, now that I have ranted and raved for the better part of a five minutes. Yes, I type as fast as my grandfather. I am going to the gym.
Oh, goody.