So I watched it last night. Sue me.
And I can't help but wonder.......
One ~ No really dresses like that. And if they do, they shouldn't. I'm not exactly Fashion week - runaway- model - type of dresser, but I look at the outfits that Carrie and her motley crew of fashion victims, and I think of my niece on a sugar high going through her mom's clothes. However, I do believe that my niece does better due to the fact my sister has excellent taste in clothes. No one really dresses like that.
Two~ Why are they touted as being so sophisticated? Why is there a following of women and gay men who look to this women as a source of enlightenment? Think about it for a minute. You have a middle-aged sex maniac who has long since lost her self respect to the endless line of male whores that float through her life. You have a whiny, sliver-spooned basket case that lives in a Home and Garden dream world. Then there is the power suit ice queen whose only saving grace is her wit, but let's face after a while you want to punch her. And last but not least Carrie. That bubble-gum, bleeding heart high-heeled hoofed princess that is incapable of forming a normal relationship with any one other than a middle -aged egomaniac! Why would you look up to these women? They represent the worse of our gender. They make us look overly dependent, and unable to find happiness in anything other than a man.
Three~ No one rums several NYC block in 6 inch heels. No one.
Four~ I can't help but watch the train wreck that is their lives. In some sick way I enjoy watching their weekly drama if for no other reason than making myself feel better. Sad, huh. I know that I may never be a size one, or have Chanel, Prada, or Vende handbags, or even live in a 'fabulous' NYC apartment. But I don't have to. I have a family, I have a man I adore, and who adores me, I have travel, and friends, and I love my life.
Maybe its not frustration I feel when I watch these ridiculous women. Maybe its pity.
In the end Carrie and her hags get the endings they always waited. Finally they usher in a new beginning.....
But I can't help but wonder.....Who named it Sex in the City THE Movie???? Stupid.