
Mouth breathers.

I can't help but giggle. I wonder if people read what they read before they send their comments into the cyberland? Have you ever wondered that? I'm sure that sounds silly coming from a blogger, but I usually read what I write, and usually there are several corrections made before I take the plunge.

I was reading a post today on a networking site I have been a member of for some time. I read the post, and re-read the post, and wondered what this individual was thinking when they wrote it? Maybe its just the little voices in my mind screaming 'REALLY!, you really wrote that with a straight face....its not a joke!!!!', maybe I'm the only who sees the irony in her statement. Yeah. Its me.

As I don't feel comfortable blurting out the true story of the situation, I will pose a question -- Warning - The characters in this blog entry are fiction and not based on any real person(s). No one was harming in the making of this blog. --

Imagine an online forum. Imagine "you" or someone like "you" would go to this forum on a semi regular basis to check the posts and occasionally post yourself. Then imagine the daily drama posed by certain members - not a stretch of the imagination there - and how silly the drama gets about every six months. Are you following my "hypothetical" situation??


Now the the person who involves themselves in the drama on a REGULAR basis has created a post about drama, specifically on how we should collectively make an effort to stop the drama posts. Let's give this person a name....ummmm, how about Kettle. ( I really hope the Kettle reference doesn't fly pass my viewers....)
Anyway, Ms. Kettle would like us all to report snarky, drama-filled posts to the mods in an effort to remove the drama from our forum. Really. Are you serious Ms. Kettle. And of course true to form, a new character adds themselves to this little situation - Ms. Pot. Who offers up a thrilling counter attack on the logic of Ms. Kettle's call to Peace. Oh. My. God.

So, here's what I'm getting at....

SHUT UP YOU CRAZY FORUM HO'S. YOU are the reason many of the neutral and innocent post get dragged into the slag pit for a good bitch fight. YOU ARE the drama. YOU ARE the negativity. In fact one of you was even throw off the forum recently for being snarky, and overly personal towards another member who was stupid enough to ask for help, and a opinion. Poor thing is still rocking on the back of her feet in the corner, and flinches ever time someone IM's her!!

Pot = Kettle = Black.

You aren't fooling anyone. I know your game. Hypothetically that is.

P.S. - The avatar at the top of the blog is funny. Simple minds, simple pleasures. :) Enjoy.