I have been very neglectful of my blog and readers lately. I do apologize. Life decided that I wasn't busy enough and so it took the opportunity to fling more poo in my direction. Just in case I wasn't dealing with enough shit as it was.
Oh. Joy.
So here it is. A much needed blog entry.
~ News of the Week ~
~ E.R. What you should know, but don't. ~ By our girl on Street, Me. ~
Recently our girl on the street experienced her first trip to the local military E.R. The trip began with a phone call from a close friend at around 10:30 pm - within minutes it was decided that we should get her to the ER A.S.A.P. Our girl on the street leaped into action, and immediately stubbed her toe on a chair. She decided that it might be better to slowly spring into action. Armed with smokes, an I.D and cold weather gear...she was ready to go.
In all it took almost an hour to reach said hospital - several stops on the way, and a rat maze of Germany roads hindered our usual fast driving skillz. Yeah. No fun.
We were greeted with ' Well, ma'am, I don't want to scare you off but the wait is about 2-3 hours.'. Fuck. And there began the wait of the century. Sure enough at the two hour mark we were finally called back. At this point my friend was in extreme pain, and calling for a " bucket" and telling the attending " she was damp". Oh, this is going to be fun. It's 1:30 am.
Shortly after my friend was settled into her cubicle, the real fun began.
(I can't go into too much detail....those of you in the military will understand....so please be patience with my story-telling)
Apparently an individual of a very high ranking status was brought in. Let's just say...he was an LC. Startted to go crazy, and the doctor began calling his superiors so he could be placed in Charlie ward. (short for CRAZY ward). Why am I telling you this...well for the following reasons....
1. We are in a CUBICLE. Its a sheet that surrounds us...not a wall. Therefore WE CAN HEAR EVERYTHING.
2. The attending ER staff apparently don't understand the concept of a sheet vs a wall, and are practically shouting the patient's name, rank, and medical problems to the whole ER. I know now who the patient is, what his rank is, where he works...etc. GREAT OPSEC GUYS!
3. Because of this person and his issues....we are still waiting to be seen....its 2:30 in the morning.
4. My friend is freaking out. She has a three day Migraine going on...and is about to pass out from it.
We finally get seen at 3:00, and medication is administered. Better living through medication. At this point the ER area is swarming with Sr. ranking folks, their wives, bunches of attending personnel, and they are talking as if no one can hear them. Really? -- I say rather loudly that we are standing behind a SHEET...NOT A WALL. I CAN hear ya'll. And it goes quiet. For about a second and they resume their babble. Way to keep everything on the Down Low.
FINALLY, we are discharged and sent to the after hours pharmacy for meds. Sweet. We can home after this. Uh huh. After hours pharmacy is on the other side of the hospital, and its under construction. What should have taken five minutes turned into over 35 minutes. Why? Because the pharmacist got locked in his Medication closet. Oh, yeah. This is awesome! this definitely the mental giant I want dispensing my meds!!!
We leave. It's 4:00 am.
I get her home, and I get home at around 5:30. I'm in bed by 6:00.
I have to be up at 9:00. At work until 8:00.
Next week we will be discussing the phenomenon known as Sheepeople.