OMG. LOL. IDK. my BFF, Jill. (Shamelssly taken from Goerge Lopez)
But I'm sure what else to say! Actually I do know what to say....Ha.
Who the hell thinks its okay to go to their next door neighbors and say, " Oh, I saw movers here, and because I know you aren't supposed to be moving until the summer, I was being NOSY and wanted to come over and find out what was going on". O.M.G. Really?????. On top of that, imagine if you thought it was okay to let your dogs wander into your house -French doors in the back were left open- and wander around asking what was happening here.
Oh yeah...the flip flops would be coming off Homie.
This little incident is real. It happened to my friend. And these people to exist. Run. Run far, far away.
When this story was related to me, my jaw hit the fucking floor. I swear to God I would have lost it.
I have to get my friend MAD PROPS for not knocking the stupid right out of this person. She instead preceded to explain; in a VERY blunt matter, why she was moving early, and that it was not really anyone else business, but Thanks for asking. And to my and my friend's amazement the person stayed and told her that the same situation had happened to her, and if my friend needed to talk, she was there to listen. Wow.
It may have been a nice offer; however >comma< the only reason you want to be a shoulder to cry on is so you can have more gossip to share with the rest of the witches you interact with. Not only that, my friend stood up for herself by leaving her piece of shit husband, whereas you are still with your loser husband. What help do you really think you can offer?
Folks, I am in awe of the pathetic and lonely nature of so many of the mil. wives that live in this area. Is your life so empty that you would wander over to a nieghbors house - someone you have never talked to before - and tell them you are nosy and want to know what you are doing, and why you doing it.
Words fail me.
Stupidity of 2009 is alive and kickin'.