In fact the follow blurb of consciousness is a shameful 'steal' from my sister's blog. Don't hate. It was a good idea that I thought I could 'borrow' &......OK, It was and is a great blog idea that I want to steal. There I said it. Sorry girl.
Things I have Learned....
- Any dish such as soup, cereal or related liquidy goodness - is a challenge to eat in my current condition. Slurping, spilling,'s just not pretty. Learned : Use a small spoon & a straw.
- Makeup removing wipes are AWESOME!!! Applying a certain level of pressure on my face combined with trying NOT to get my eye wet was a problem...a frustration.....and had to GO. Learned: Makeup removing wipes don't sting & clean your face better than soap.
- Just because you THINK you can...doesn't mean you ACTUALLY CAN. Example - face feels better, so I'm going to drink directly from water, no. Not unless you have a bib & no one is watching you. Learned: Use a damn straw. No one really cares if you do. They prefer it.
- 21 September was the Mabon ( First Harvest in the Wicca Calendar ) - and I was all geared up to shop for pumpkins, apples, corn husks...etc. at local farm co-ops. No so much. Learned : nothing is geared up for Fall Harvest & associated Fall food shopping until 1 October. Damn Indian Summer.
- People - friends, family, acquaintances, random people at stores - don't mind if you ask for help. Learned : Quit being so stubborn and ASK. People really do surprise you.
- Cooking is not just for Betty Crocker & Martha Stewart. And it is fun. Learned : Make your own soup; breads....etc. I seem to have a natural ability to cook. Who knew?
- There are several varieties of pumpkin and not everyone of them is good for cooking with. Learned : Read about it....then buy. Locally. Again...who knew....not this girl.
- Life is a garden. Dig it. (Just thought I throw that in)
- Great Dane puppies will continually amaze you. Learned : They are smarter than you; you need to be trained...not the other way around.
- Bell's Palsy can begin to define you. Learned : Don't be a statistic. Have fun with it.
So there you are Blogging Nation. It is today's Jack Handy Motivational Thoughts of the day and things I have learned.
Can you imagine what it's like to be in my head all day! Tiring.....very tiring......