
Moral compass once again points to Stupid.

The moral compass is wearing a T-shirt that says ' I'm with Stupid'.

Oh, conservative right wing, self-righteous, uber-religious, and mentally stunted mouthpieces.....you make me weep for the future of this country and that of my children.

While I can potentially ignore your spewing hatred for gay rights; skewed family values, unrealistic opinions of environmental conservation and radical immigration policy.....I shutter to think about your stand on abortion and women's rights.

Oh wait....nevermind...there it is.....Thank you, Rep. Akin.

....."legitimate rape" rarely resulted in pregnancy"......" a woman's body has a way of dealing with such things"......

Dear God. Really?

I have a number of questions regarding this comment; call me stupid but I need to ask....

1. What the hell is a legitimate rape?
2. Do you understand the concept of sexual intercourse?
3. What exactly does a woman's body DO in these instances??
4. How do you not fall down more?
5. Were you dropped as a baby?
6. Do you think BEFORE you speak?  

I had hoped that I could approach this subject with more than just complete shock and anger; unfortunately, I am unable to see ANY value, common sense or intelligence in the statement and therefore, I refuse to debate the subject with someone who obviously has some kind of mental challenge.

In every way, you have cemented my opinion that uber-conservative republicans are the LAST thing this country needs right now.
It is a terrifying thought, that people like you, have the ability to affect policy change, thereby allowing you some kind of say over my body......my husband doesn't even have that right.

And sadly, this is only one man in a sea of self-righteous wing-nuts that populate our governmental body.

And you think Mitt Romney & Boy Wonder are the path to salvation?

Here's some food for thought:

"So vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan can try to backpedal away from Akin as fast as he can, but his name is still on the record in support of that bill, with that language. He can say he's in line with Mitt Romney and would not ban abortions in the case of rape, but it's his name attached to House Resolution 212: Sanctity of Human Life Act, which would have done just that." (CNN)

Oh Dear.....Boy Wonder has some 'splainin' to do.....

"And given that a would-be President Romney said, "I will protect a woman's right to choose," when he was running for Massachusetts governor in 2002, only to become an anti-abortion advocate while running for president, there's no telling which side of the issue he will fall on, on any given day".

Enter the political Spin Doctors.

Some of my personal favorites!

"Indiana state Rep. Eric Turner, a Republican, said some women might fake being raped in order to get free abortions".

"Republican state Rep. Pete DeGraaf suggested women should plan ahead for rape the way he keeps a spare tire".

This isn't a political issue of whether you are a Dem. or a Rep. or a Tea-bagger (what.. too soon?).

This is an issue of human rights and common sense.

Stupid should hurt.