To be more specific I see really dumb situations that can only end in pain, loss, and bad ju-ju.
As much as I complain and bitch about parental stupidity; I realized over the weekend why I get so freaking pissed - the kids. I'm a childfree person by choice but that doesn't mean I'm this way because I *hate* children. IN fact, I love kids....that's why I'm not a parent. You see I recognize the fact that I am selfish, impulsive, lazy and have no drive to steer a child through the big, bad world of life.
But there are some parents that inhabit my general area and I'm seriously in awe of the lack of parental responsibility and the fact that because of their lack of common sense one of these kids is going to get hurt.
Question One -
Would you let your 8 or 9 year old slide down a snowy hill that dead-ends into a major two way street with no guardrail? In fact would let your child do this - unaccompanied with only other small children in attendance??????
I watched as a group of children - the youngest was about 7 and the oldest looked to be around 12 - sledding down a snowy hill into moving traffic. We almost smushed one!! And there wasn't a SINGLE adult in sight. What the hell????
The road that these kids were darting into was on a curve; a blind corner. The lane closest to the kids sledding was on the 'blind' corner side. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the making of this Darwinian Award moment.
Question Two
Would you let your young children play in a construction zone?
Doesn't anyone watch AFN commercials?? LOL. But seriously do you really need a commercial to tell you that a construction area is not a great place to allow your kids to play???
The area that these little ones were playing was an open trench -(contractors are replacing all the main water lines)- a trench that is deeper than they are tall. This area is surrounded by bulldozers, unsecured sections of large pipe, and other drilling equipment.
Why doesn't you give them some broken glass and matches? Really!!!!
Question Three -
Do you let your little Girl Scout daughter go door to door selling cookies BY HERSELF??? O.M.G.
Firstly, no door to door...not on base baby. Secondly just because you are on a base doesn't ensure safety for your child! Anyone could be on the other side of that freaking door; what the fuck is wrong with you?
I know there are great parent out there. Those good parents are going to read this and be as shcoked as I am . But if you aren't shocked and angry at the sheer retarded-helmet wearing- knuckle dragging- stupidity of these poor excuses for parents....well, then *you* are the problem.....go lick a window and leave parenting to those who get it.