
Boobies, OSMW's & Laughter...Oh MY!

Boobies. *heeheeheehee* Yeah, I'm that girl. Certain words make me giggle like a pre-teen kid.

Words like:
Duty....yes, say it slowly and with the mentality of a teenage boy.....there it is! Funny huh?!?!

Ok, so the point of saying this is....well, I don't really have a point. Oh, wait! Yeah, I remember....boobies.
Breastfeeding is apparently the new controversial 'Du jour' of the day. I have written blog posts about it in the past but a recent post on a social networking site brought it all back.....breastfeeding and militant attitudes.
I don't care that you chose to breast feed your child, after all what else are breasts meant to do other than feed a kid - ok, so there are other uses, but they are 'supposed' to be used for feeding the spawn. And again I have no problem with it. But when you decide that breastfeeding needs to be a public exhibit, much like a "breast-acle" *see what I did there....spectacle + breast = breastacle!* and you bitch and bitch about other people's uncomfortableness with your on-display boob....THAT'S where I draw a line.

Breastfeeding isn't a team sport.
Breastfeeding isn't a super power.
Breastfeeding isn't group activity.
Quit seeking attention through whipping out a boob - if you want to do that, I hear there are special clubs for that. :)

My point is you have chosen to breastfeed BUT we the general public have not chosen to watch you.

In other news...

Military wive is NOT A JOB SKILL. I asked a friend recently (a woman who does the hiring at her place of employment & fellow mil. wife) what would she do if she saw that on a resume? She stared at me blankly and asked if I was serious.....since I am often NOT....and I told her was dead serious.
Her response was simple. She would move on to the next candidate and chalk it up as stupidity.

My thought is - do firefighter wives put that down on resumes? Do accountant wives put down that they are married to an accountant so they should be good with numbers? Do doctor's wives state that as a doctor's wive I should get a job at the hospital because I have been to a few.....????

Just how lazy do you need to be to put that as a qualification?

Let me put this into perspective....

Military wife
Survivor of 3 deployments
Moved four times in five years

What the wife thinks it means
Military wife = Its a superpower and only certain women can do it.
Survivor of deployments = Was on my own and didn't breakdown, multitasker, single parent.
Moved 4 times in 5 years = Organized.

What an employer thinks it means
Military wife = AND? What are your ACTUAL quals? Education? Job history????
Deployments = Uh huh. So you are telling me you get lonely and might have problems with childcare and making it to work on time.....awesome.
Moving = so I'm going to spend time and money on you....and then you will leave in year. NEXT!!!

I want my employer to see my JOB skills and MY EDUCATION. Not a biography of my personal life. I don't even mention the military home life unless asked. Why? BECAUSE I'm not in the military MY HUSBAND IS. Lord.

Laughter is the best medicine. And despite my frustration and anger that I feel towards OSMW's I love 'em. They are the fruit loops of life; in them I will always find a reason to laugh and be grateful for my own drama-free, troll-free, and whiny-free life as a Secondhand Latina.

WOO-SAH Sisters. 


Video Game Stupid.

Apparently, there is a moment YOUR life when you cross the line from having fun playing video games to being a over-stimulated, under-achieving, couch-surfing, Red-Bull-guzzling, depressive that believes that self worth is directly related to the amount of 'kills' you rack up on the game.

Oh. My. God.

I see the draw of a video game; I'm not here to say, ' Video Games are EVIL', "Video games will rot your brain'.....well, maybe. My point is mature and regulated 'gaming' is an escape. A virtual book and storyline that you immerse yourself in and mindlessly participate in and then power off and go do something else.   The game, after all, ISN'T real.

"Promoted....PROMOTED!!!" (terrible reference it a 'spoof' of Battlefield gamers)

Last night, as I sat reading, and Parker sat playing his video game - I began listening to the conversations between two players.

(online gaming & real time chat is the popular way to play this particular game - and even though Parker doesn't 'chat' with anyone, we can still hear the conversations of other players on his team)

Player One : I got your back buddy!!
Player Two : Uh huh....*muffled rambling*
Player One : You gotta move in quicker....take him DOWN!
Player Two : *muffled yell*
Player One : Just trying to help you buddy, I'M RETIRED MILITARY, I know this shit.

Um, WHAT? You are retired military? Therefore, you are bad ass battle buddy? Seriously?
I laughed so hard, I was crying.

Do you think he understands he is PLAYING A GAME?
Has the line between reality and video game been blurred?
Is this why people go postal?

I don't have a problem with video games or the manufacturers of video games.....or the industry and society of gamers.
I don't think that its the designers of video games that cause the problem. Its the sad, little people who have no ability or want to interact with the real world that is the problem. People might argue that is there was no video games they wouldn't have this problem....or find something else to do.

But before there was video games, there was role-playing.....and other related uber-nerd activities. The problem is people. People who take EVERYTHING too seriously. People who can't find enjoyment in anything that might actually be social......


Yeah. I guess this is directly conflicts with my love of Big Bang Theory. But at least these guys try to be social. To find mainstream activities to enjoy and be a part of.

I leave you with this.

Watch it. And I dare you not to laugh.


I won't miss that!

As I sit on my porch at.....6:45 am, drinking coffee, enjoying a quiet smoke & contemplating why I hate early mornings. I realize that I will not miss this. I will not miss the early morning runs to the airport.....and a variety of other random military life.....stuff.

Although I would never regret or see my time as a military wife as a loss - I will not miss certain aspects of what it means to be part of a military family.

Here's a few thoughts....

Early morning wake-ups. Dear GOD I won't miss that. Of course, civilian life is filled with this kind of thing BUT my thought is this - it won't be a 'bag drag'. Those last minute, " 24 hour, grab and bag and GOOOOO'. And it won't be, " cheapest flight is at o'dark thirty' and the airport we have chosen is the the FURTHEST one away form your duty station. Have fun with that.
No. I won't miss that.

Always on call. No matter where in the world you are - you better have your phone, a pager, a set of orders, a distress flare, a light belt, and a point of contact. OK, maybe I exaggerate. But it is true that no matter where you are, someone must be able to contact you in case you should need to be called up for.....anything. Movie theaters, the gym, your vacation, the bathroom.....anywhere. I have been in the middle of a movie, 30 minutes form base and the damn phone rings.....within in minutes we are the couple that are 'quietly' moving through a dark movie theater and running to the car. Damn recalls.

Military uniforms. UGH. Wash, dry, crease, repeat. Blues - wash, dry, iron......shit, a double crease!!.... wash again.....dry again.....iron tag (exactly x inches above pocket)....rank....damnit on get the idea. Will. NOT. MISS. IT.

Mandatory separations. TDY's, ViP's, deploys, 24 hour duty, missions...etc. Yep. Ain't gonna cry when that shit is over with.
Not to mention the short tours, the long tours, the moves every two years.....what will I do when I know we will be in a place longer than two years?? Oh yeah.....friends. lol.

Yeah. I'm not bitter though.

I will miss it.
But I won't be sorry to say Goodbye to the pain, anxiety and uncertainty that this base and station has caused.
I will happily turn around as we leave this place and wave goodbye.
Because sometimes Goodbye is saying Hello to something better.




There are small things in life that I enjoy more than I should - The Big Bang Theory is one of them. The idea that there are potentially some people out there that are more socially awkward and equally as science nerdy as myself, makes me smile. More specifically, knowing that there are real people out there that GET the humor & social commentary on a ' Nerd Life' makes me less despondent about the future of this country. *am I reading too much in this sitcom?*

Maybe I am. But I love the social awkwardness oozing from the main characters. I smile at the obscure sci-fi knowledge that these guys thrive on. I am reassured by the fact that someone, somewhere is looking at this show and seeing their childish idiosyncrasies reflected in Sheldon and Lenard.

"what's life without a little whimsy"

But maybe more than that. I truly appreciate the unpretentious humor of the show. The fact that something as 'uncool' as experimental physics & Star Trek trivia is popular -- even treasured, makes me smile, like Sheldon looking at a vintage Spock statuette.....because that's what it is....a statuette, not a toy. God Bless 'em.

Maybe I love watching the show and its endless re-runs because it gives me hope that there are people like Sheldon, Lennard, Raj and Howard - that are truly brilliant people, working on scientific misadventures that one day might help our country; or at the very least, halt the 'dumbing down' of our society. Maybe.

Am I placing too much emphasis on a sitcom?

"No one cries because they are sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me cry"

In the end, I take pleasure in watching the nerdy antics of characters that I can better relate to than some oversexed, depressed, whiny doctor that is constantly rehashing every life experience that is supposedly made her 'the doctor and person' she is today. Or the unrealistic, overcomplicated, entitlement-military spouse who thinks that being a wife is some kind of fucked super power making it ok to sleep around with anything that has a pulse and justify it as stress brought on by a separation.

I will take a story line, in which the main character believes in drinking hot cocoa only in months ending in 'r' and is unburdened by the mysteries of human behaviors. After all, I'm still trying to understand people and the reasons behind their actions.

Carry On Sheldon, Lennard, Raj and Howard -- Don't go changing.

Soft Kitty FOREVA.