
I hate to point this out....but, really?

So if you are familiar with my blog, you are used tot he occasional post about college life....well, more about my occupation as a student - online student. One of the hazards of being an online student is the form of communication.

While I love the idea that I don't have to actually interact (you know...face to face...) with these people; I DO have to communicate with them in the form of online discussion points and in the team group section.

(As you are all aware I LOVE online learning one EVER said)

The communication part is the aspect of college life I have a problem with. I am not an anti-social person but I cannot tolerate proper attempts at writing.......and it is a chronic problem. The type of thing that when you read their posts; your mouth hangs open and you literally feel yourself begin to cry......

A little dramatic? I give you Exhibit A.

A. responsiblitys

Yes. You read it right. Now spelling errors happen. To the best of us. But the source of such errors are what make me cringe and despair.
The above misspelling is from a TEACHER. A TEACHER. A BIOLOGY TEACHER.


Yes, there is a high school biology teacher in my current ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE class and this is one OF MANY misspellings in a 4 sentence response.
So you have poor grammar, ok. But you also have SPELL CHECK. AND you have Grammar check in the online posting section.....and you have a TEACHING DEGREE. Really????

Exhibit B.

B. And I quote...." And another thing that is bad from what I read."..... Oh My God. There is so much wrong with this sentence. AND YES, it was a WHOLE sentence.
It was taken from another fellow student that is a BA-holding, intern that is currently going on a field study trip with a 'well-known' research institute.
BASTARDS. This person gets an internship and I have to suffer through their incoherent babble in an online class. There is something terribly wrong with the world of academia.

Exhibit C.

C. And I quote, "If poor countries get aid from us - you know food and medicine - why are they still starving. They should be happy. And living longer. It's like welfare we give poor people here".
In response to a class discussion about world hunger and the ambitious U.N. goals of eradicting hunger and poverty throughout the world. 


Apparently you missed the point of the discussion.
This is from a government employee.
While I understand the frustration that many Americans have with our international policies regarding the funding of aid to countries in need - especially in light our own struggles with hunger and, that sentence is.....I can't even begin to point out why I want to punch this person in the face. With a brick.

COME ON people!!!!

This is exactly why I weep for our country and the future of education. While I respect the actions of these 'educators' to further their own understanding and work towards another academic degree - I shudder at the thought that they are currently responsible for the education of the current generations. The every generation that will be the educators, doctors and politicians of tomorrow. THAT is a scary thought.

I'm debating as to whether I should add ' Your ignorance is showing' to my signature line with every post.

Anyone else notice this.....??

OK, ok, this might come off as strange - especially coming from a 'non mother' but I have been noticing a surge in social commentary on the subject of breast-feeding.

A subject that would normally fall off my radar but has been brought to my attention through a series of 'military wife' rants and support after the revealing picture of two 'military, uniform wearing, super moms' breastfeeding.
Moreover, I have several good friends that have been posting - with increasing frequency - supportive articles, pictures, and in all honesty, 'militant' style advocacy for breast feeding. Ok. Not sure what to say or how I feel about this.....but as always I can think of a few things.....

 Where to begin......

Yeah, I get it. It is a primal and natural form of feeding your young offspring. It is arguably the most nutritious and maternal aspect of having and caring for a young infant.

"We do it , other mammals do it....why can't we just all get along......*let's fall in love song*" :D

I'm not sure there is a societal problem here or a subversive undertone that is working to make this a taboo act. BUT, I believe the reason for so many people's mixed emotions is that breast feeding is seen as a extremely private and personal bonding experience between a mother and child. No? Not working for ya?'s another thought....

No one really cares about seeing a mother feeding their child, in terms of breastfeeding, but people become uncomfortable at the militant approach to it all.
A 'breastfeeding sit-in' really? That's how you are going to make your point? And what exactly is our point? To make everyone around you unconformable?

Before you so poorly stated your point about the freedoms or lack thereof to breastfeed - NO ONE REALLY CARED. No one gasped at the sight of someone feeding their child, quietly hidden under a breastfeeding blanket (the child that is...not the mom), in a quiet area in a public place.
YOU have brought attention to it. You have brought the subject up and become a breastfeeding, social battle cry for the rights of a parent to whip out a boob wherever and whenever you want. Really? Because you want that special, bonding experience to be shared with complete strangers?
That's NOT breastfeeding......that attention seeking.

I have friends and family who have and currently do breastfeed. Many, if not all, advocate a personal choice. And as such, consider the experience as a personal one. Not something that should be used a 'poster child' issue for politicians, the general public or the media to decide as to whether this is something that should even be discussed outside of parental choice.

The media is a major player in this. When you run articles and magazines with pictures of child breastfeeding with their mothers; when you run headlines calling for opinions on mothers breastfeeding in public - you are always going to create a issue when there shouldn't be one in the first place.

Here's a few last thoughts....

1. I'm not a mother. But if I was I wouldn't need or want the publicity garnered by sensationalism of associated media frenzies. 
2. Mothers have common sense - they don't need to be made a spectacle when feeding their child. But thanks to a few militant moms and the media - they are always going to be viewed in a certain light for their CHOICE to breastfeed their public.
3. For all you moms on social networking sites - Please....for the love of God....STOP advertising your breastfeeding abilities. Yes, you have boobs. Yes, you feed your children with them. Yes, it is your right to do so. BUT NO, we -non moms and even other moms - do NOT need to know about it or see it. I'm blocking you.

4. YOU are in uniform. And the ONLY reason you chose to have that picture done was because you could and you were showing off (twins and all know the pic I speak of).

Finally, have you thought about the mothers who CANNOT breastfeed and the fact that you can make them feel less of a mom???

Whatever. You are all going to do what you want.
But next time you go all 'Super MOM' - try not to do it on Time magazine cover photo.
Your kid will never live that one down.


Hard drives, papers & teams...OH MY!

Oh yes.

(And before I might seem that my re-telling of event is a little dramatic. And it was. I'm a science major. EVERYTHING IS DRAMATIC when your laptop dies. All your statistical data is on that bad boy. ALL OF IT.)

Nothing says back at school like a damn hard drive dying. In the middle of finishing a lab report. For a learning team that has the collective attention span of a toddler.

Oh yes. Welcome back to the World of Academia.
FUCK you.

So I have been remiss in my blogging - writing lab reports and scientific papers on genetic mutations will kinda put a dampener on my creative need to blog.

But I'm back.
And have something to vent about......
I know you missed that.
Don't lie....:D

Hard drives. You stealthy little bastards. You sit there in your hidden, secured heart of my computer and FRY. Without warning. One day you are pumping out the information and the next day you are on vacation. BASTARDS.
I get it. Computer technology has a build obsolescence - to ensure that computer manufacturers will always make money due to your need to replace your computer in a set period of time. (I KNOW they do....don't say that they don't....I'm a student on the edge!)   
Sneaky. Very sneaky.
But I will not give up on my laptop yet. No Sir.
I did, in the beginning, want to beat the shit out of this white piece of plastic and its assorted computer stuffs  - but I decided that a trip to the Genius Bar (No Sheldon in sight, much to my disappointment) was in order. They patched her up and told me it was only life support measures.....that it will need a heart transplant. They weren't kidding.

*BAM* FLAT LINE.........
FUCK. OH FUCK. FUCK NO. DEAR FUCKING GOD...NOoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. *tears*
I had been working on a lab report for a series of online experiments I had spent the better part of two days running. I was at the end of my summary. It was pure fucking gold. And then SPLAT. Nothing. De nada. Why you motherf-ing......UGH.

Lucky for me my computer had just done a back up onto my external hard drive (life support systems) and then flat lined. Even in death it tried to save me.

Hold on laptop.....just stay with me!!!

Parker performed the surgery. I couldn't watch as the guts of my MacBook were laid bare on the table. I couldn't watch as the innards of my trusty computer were pried open, picked through, air sprayed clean and put back together - sans fired hard drive - sporting a new, shiny hard drive.

We held our breath as the computer was re-booted and operating programs loaded.

She pulled through. As good as new.
More importantly ALL my work was there and in place. Success.

I cannot begin to express to you all the importance of BACKING UP everything!!! It takes a second. And that second will save you a heart attack later and whole lot of emotional distress.

So in conclusion -
I present the following request.

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want the newest Apple Time Capsule (3 TB). The mother of ALL external hard drives, back up operating systems, and motherfreaking piece of mind.
I promise that I will be good and not throw another tantrum in the middle of the Apple store. Promise.

Carry on peeps. Its all good now.