
YOU outta the pool!

**~~ As a side note - I should totally be doing some research for my paper, and/or working - Yeah you see how that's working out for me. ~~**

Ignorance is Bliss. At least that is what they say. I'm not buying it. The only thing ignorance does is make you - the offender- look stupid. All I can think of when you speak is ' Where is your helmet?'.

Should *I* be more tolerant? Probably. But I ain't in the fucking mood, and tolerance isn't the answer to blatant ignorance and stupidity of people too self obsessed to education themselves on a subject before speaking. There *I* said it.

I'm not sure where exactly I want to go with this but recently I have been reading and hearing a number of ridiculous and ignorant statements. In one post I recently read - someone admitted to only drinking bottled water, because the water filtration standards of Germany weren't high enough. Oh. My. God. Of course this is coming from someone who believes all spouses in the area are " dumb as stomped grits" What? Really?

I'm just tired of stupidity. These people should come with a warning label - something that says ' I don't represent my gender or my nationality! ' - they should be marked so the rest of us can be forewarned. Gah.

I'm not in the mood anymore. They just always seem to be a little black rain cloud on an otherwise beautiful day.

I have the Dumbs to day....

I really do.

So here's the thing - um, I can't NOT figure out how to change my blog template and still keep all the goodies on the right. I have found several cool layout online, but for some reason they just won't take. STOOPID.

So, I suppose I either create a new blog, and start again. NOOOOOoooooo.

Or, I try and try again.

Neither option sounds good right now.

I'm like a child - I have the attention span of a nat on a sugar high. Its not pretty, I know.

I just don't care that much right now.

Watch this space - I might get smart over night, or use my secret weapon. I call it - Aaron. :)



Do I look like I need to be saved? - Part II

I have been thinking about religion a lot this weekend; I was even asked if I wanted to go to mass. Why? Why would you ask me that? Especially if you know me. I can understand that maybe if we just met you might feel inclined to extend an invitation, as a way of being friendly. However, do you not stop and think that maybe I'm not religious, or that I might be of a different faith or have a completely different belief system?

It seems that people who have been immersed in a certain religion believe that its ok to encourage others around into the church, or into the religion of their choice. Notice I said " their choice". Some of you might see it as an innocent invite; an invitation that can be easily tried down in a polite and graceful way. *I* however find it offensive, and annoying - I suppose years of brain-washing at the hands of a Roman Catholic education kinda makes me bitter.

I'm not Catholic. I made that choice many years ago. I was the only in my year that didn't partake of the communion at mass on Fridays; I was the only who did not get Confirmed, and I was the only to get kicked out of Religious Education class. I made my chioce then, and I have not changed now.

I'm Wiccan.

Many of you might not know that. It's just something that I find personal. I feel no need to tell every person I meet. I feel no need to ask others to just me in practice of my belief system. I'm not at all ashamed of it, but it is private and personal to me. Just me.

Faith is a private matter. Its not meant to be sold, preached, pushed on others, or used as an excuse for behavior or ease of conscious.

He did come and see me today. The man who placed that obnoxious card in my hand. He was will never make that mistake again.

He asked me what I thought about it, and although I had a whole speech ready for him , I left it with this -

- I'm Wiccan. We don't believe in saving other souls, we believe in making peace with the one's we already have; our own. "

With that he left. Maybe we will talk again, and maybe not. His loss, not mine.


Do I look like I need to be saved?

Don't count on it buddy.

"all that is required for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing" Edmond Burke.

Let me start by saying; this only happens to me. I'm seriously contemplating writing a book about this craziness. A book that can serve as a warning to others. A book that will teach you to recognize madness in others, as well as how a normal person can hide their craziness and then spring it on you during an unexpected moment.

I shall call this book ' Us & Them : How to spot THEM.

Before I begin I would also like to make it clear to those who don't really know me; this shit happens a lot. Really. I'm some kind of freak magnet, and not in a good way either. Maybe I should stop making eye contact with people, or maybe I should just stop talking to other people that have not been screen properly.....buy someone other than myself; by someone who is able to spot mad-crazy before it's too late. Doh.

Here's my situation.

I meet a lot of people in every job I work in. I have a tendency to take jobs in which interaction with lots of people is part of the job; example, Bartender, or Advocacy- I know that is quite a spectrum of jobs...I figure if I have enough careers one might stick - Therefore, this current job is no exception. Its not an important job, and it requires no real effort on my part, but living overseas as a military spouse I just needed something to keep me busy, pay my tuition, and allow for a little money in my pocket. I work for a contractor in a computer lab. I study. I talk to people who work in the building. I occasionally help the Internet-retarded log on, and print things off the Net. Easy. Straight forward. Yeah right.

I am a pretty social person and therefore I usually carry on conversations with most everyone who enters my domain. Mostly the "regulars"; my daily motley crew of students, and Professors scrambling to get print-offs, and homework assignments done and in hand by sound of bell. He is one of them. He was normal. He was talktive. He was NORMAL!!! I swear to God. I had no crazy vibe from him at all.

THEN.......I got this handed to me - By individual stated above.

And I quote.

~~~"I.Q. Test - What is greater than God, worse than the devil, the dead eat it, and if the living eat it they will die?" ~~~

This was printed on a a piece of card, that was the size of a business card. On one side it has the question, and on the reverse is the answer. This person, with whom I had several really nice talks with; this person with whom is a fellow military spouse, and college student, handed me this card. He smiled at me, and told me he hoped I would 'think about it, and we could talk next week".

The answer : Nothing.

However, to get the answer I had to read a passage of God -fearing, Fire and fucking brimstone, burn -in- hell- if -you- don't- repent- now bullshit. Seriously!!!! I shall quote some of the best parts....

" Do you think you will go to Heaven? Do you think you are good enough"

" I fyou have told a lie ( even a white lie), Or stole something ( even something small) Then you are a lying thief"

" If you have lusted you have committed adultery in our heart"

AND My personal favorite.....

" If you've hated someone, the Bible says you are a murderer"

JUDGMENTAL MUCH? Have you lost your MIND!

So apparently I need to be saved, and I should " repent today! " Then I can go to heaven. What could I possibly have said that made this perfectly "normal" person lose his mind, and feel that it is his "Christian" duty to save my soul????

My soul is just fine thank you. So, you can take you hypocritical, hell and fire, holiler -than -thou, self-rightous, over-bearing, ignorant mumbo-jumbo, and kiss my damned ass all the way back to dark ages that you seem to be stuck in!

This Bible boy is about to be Schooled on Monday. He picked the wrong bitch to save.

Refer to Quote at beginning of this entry - I hope you realize, I'm the 'good man', and he is the evil. :) I won't stand by and do nothing. Hee-hee


I just don't learn.

~~~*** Warning***~~~ : Pissed off venting will now commence - Bad Language, possible offensive obscenities, and disturbing visuals possible!

What the Fuck over! Why do I get myself into these ridiculous situations? Honestly, do I have Doormat written on my forehead? Do I project a vibe of' I'm a sucker, fuck me over'? I think I do. And I'm kinda fucking over it at this point!

I could possibly be overacting at point - I'm currently overdosing on a coffee and Chai tea concoction .... I think its eating its way through my stomach lining - and I'm listening to very angry music, and generally stewing in a vat of angry self-pity, and pent up aggression.

But in the end I suppose I have no one to blame but myself. I should have seen this coming. But, well, I think my radar was off, or broken. FUCK. I'm fucking stuck now.

( - Just so you know, the situation to which I am referring has nothing to do with anyone who reads or is a member of this blog. If it was I would use their name.....heehee-)


I don't know why I'm so bothered by this. I left High School a long time ago. But some how this person seems to make me feel like I'm in some fucking popularity test. Like I give two shits. But I guess I do. I have alot invested in this, and I'm not feeling any reciprocation. Instead, I have to continue to support this childish pity party, and hope I'm crowned Queen.

I know this doesn't sound very sane, or is clear. I understand that to most of you this sounds like the ramblings of a deranged escapee of a psych-ward. But I'm just venting....just annoyed.....just tired of the bullshit. Bottom line it doesn't have to make sense to you - its just supposed to make me feel better. And it does. A little. I need a smoke.



Stop asking.

Is it me, or are more people - i.e. Military wives - buying into those "sell-something-to-me" parties? The ones that your 'friends' invite you to with the lure of food, alcohol, and free shit; then you get there and BAM!, they try and sell you something you don't need, don't want, and can't afford????

Example - Well a few examples -

Passion parties - Wow, really? Let's think about this for just a second. You really believe that you can get a group of women together, who probably don't know each well enough, to feel comfortable about, looking, and buying sex toys, and lingerie? So by knowing this you then feel the only answer to is lure these women with the promise of food, no kids, and A-L-C-O-H-O-L? Ok, so that works, I'll give you that. However, the repercussions of doing-so is a room filled with drunk women and sex toys. Do I have to spell it out for you. Ewww. Dangerous. And I guarantee when those women see each other at school when picking with their kids; there will little or no eye contact, and uncontrollable cringing. Do you see my point? Me scared.

Tupperware Parties - Yes, they are no longer a relic of a by-gone era. They exist, and you should be afraid, very afraid! Its PLASTIC BOXES WITH LIDS. I'll let you in on a secret......you can buy them at the commissary for $4 ( set of four); they are washable, stackable, and durable. And if you lose one you have lost a WHOLE 99 cents. In comparison you can get sucked into one of those parties spend $50-60 on a few sets of PLASTIC BOXES WITH LIDS, and due to the expense you will kill your kid or your husband if they have the audacity to use said containers for storing food in them. I won't even get started on what happens if you LOSE ONE! THEY ARE PLASTIC BOXES WITH LIDS. You just got taken my friend.

Candle - anything - parties. - Candles. Just candles. And occasionally a small assortment of crap you would find at the Dollar tree. Oh yay. Here's the thing - Go to your local Dollar tree and buy the crap you "think" you need for a DOLLAR! Then go to your local grocery store, or WalMart, or in my case BX.....and they have CANDLES, that last for just as long, smell just as nice, like just the same for HALF THE PRICE. And you don't pay for freaking shipping. Duh.

STOP asking me if I want to host a party - and no, the promise of free crap that I don't want nor need is not an incentive, its a threat. STOP asking me if I have a friend that would be interested. I don't. And if they are interested, here's the direction to the party, enjoy. STOP asking to go. The answer is no. Unless there is free alcohol, and you want a heckler sitting in the back pissing off the "hostess, and her pusher".

I had a bad experience.

And I couldn't give two shits if it's to raise money for Billy's Football team to go somewhere. I'm not going am I? It ain't my kid is it? If you want my money sell something I want.....like a cookie. Wash my car. Anything but parties!!!!!!



Only me.

This is going to be a short; mainly because my meds are kicking in......Zzzzzzzzzz. I'm up! I'm UP!


So, I missed gym last night due to a husband emergency, i.e. He had another Migraine. So, we dragged our lazy asses into the gym tonight. Aaron wandered over to a treadmill after I called 'dibs' on the one closer to the fan. Ha. Bite me big boy! Well I shoulda let him have the damn thing because not long after I started my workout - yeah, I use work out in the loosest terms- the next to me finishes his workout, and another guy takes his place.

Ok. No problem.

Yeah, no. He starts walking at a REALLY slow pace on the treadmill. I mean *I* was going faster, and as far as I could tell he was really fit. - Not that I was checking him out or anything -. After about 10 minutes of walking, he kicks it up to a run. Then the fun begins.

He suddenly starts running out of pace, tripping, and wombling.... I think he is about to fly off the back of the thing, when he jumps up, and lands with one foot on either side of the moving track. OK. He then starts inspecting something between his legs. HE REALLY starts going to town at something between his legs. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!! * insert creepy feeling here* He stops the machine and stands behind it, therefore he is behind me, and he is panting, and still rubbing something.........ARGH!

I actually starting walking faster! WHERE THE FUCK AM I GOING TO GO????? I'm on a TREADMILL! I'm a tard.

He eventually leaves about five minute later.

Why me.

Aaron is ALWAYS going to have the treadmill next to me!!!!!!!!

Le Sigh.

I can't help but wonder....

So I watched it last night. Sue me.

And I can't help but wonder.......

One ~ No really dresses like that. And if they do, they shouldn't. I'm not exactly Fashion week - runaway- model - type of dresser, but I look at the outfits that Carrie and her motley crew of fashion victims, and I think of my niece on a sugar high going through her mom's clothes. However, I do believe that my niece does better due to the fact my sister has excellent taste in clothes. No one really dresses like that.

Two~ Why are they touted as being so sophisticated? Why is there a following of women and gay men who look to this women as a source of enlightenment? Think about it for a minute. You have a middle-aged sex maniac who has long since lost her self respect to the endless line of male whores that float through her life. You have a whiny, sliver-spooned basket case that lives in a Home and Garden dream world. Then there is the power suit ice queen whose only saving grace is her wit, but let's face after a while you want to punch her. And last but not least Carrie. That bubble-gum, bleeding heart high-heeled hoofed princess that is incapable of forming a normal relationship with any one other than a middle -aged egomaniac! Why would you look up to these women? They represent the worse of our gender. They make us look overly dependent, and unable to find happiness in anything other than a man.

Three~ No one rums several NYC block in 6 inch heels. No one.

Four~ I can't help but watch the train wreck that is their lives. In some sick way I enjoy watching their weekly drama if for no other reason than making myself feel better. Sad, huh. I know that I may never be a size one, or have Chanel, Prada, or Vende handbags, or even live in a 'fabulous' NYC apartment. But I don't have to. I have a family, I have a man I adore, and who adores me, I have travel, and friends, and I love my life.
Maybe its not frustration I feel when I watch these ridiculous women. Maybe its pity.

In the end Carrie and her hags get the endings they always waited. Finally they usher in a new beginning.....

But I can't help but wonder.....Who named it Sex in the City THE Movie???? Stupid.


Mouth breathers.

I can't help but giggle. I wonder if people read what they read before they send their comments into the cyberland? Have you ever wondered that? I'm sure that sounds silly coming from a blogger, but I usually read what I write, and usually there are several corrections made before I take the plunge.

I was reading a post today on a networking site I have been a member of for some time. I read the post, and re-read the post, and wondered what this individual was thinking when they wrote it? Maybe its just the little voices in my mind screaming 'REALLY!, you really wrote that with a straight face....its not a joke!!!!', maybe I'm the only who sees the irony in her statement. Yeah. Its me.

As I don't feel comfortable blurting out the true story of the situation, I will pose a question -- Warning - The characters in this blog entry are fiction and not based on any real person(s). No one was harming in the making of this blog. --

Imagine an online forum. Imagine "you" or someone like "you" would go to this forum on a semi regular basis to check the posts and occasionally post yourself. Then imagine the daily drama posed by certain members - not a stretch of the imagination there - and how silly the drama gets about every six months. Are you following my "hypothetical" situation??


Now the the person who involves themselves in the drama on a REGULAR basis has created a post about drama, specifically on how we should collectively make an effort to stop the drama posts. Let's give this person a name....ummmm, how about Kettle. ( I really hope the Kettle reference doesn't fly pass my viewers....)
Anyway, Ms. Kettle would like us all to report snarky, drama-filled posts to the mods in an effort to remove the drama from our forum. Really. Are you serious Ms. Kettle. And of course true to form, a new character adds themselves to this little situation - Ms. Pot. Who offers up a thrilling counter attack on the logic of Ms. Kettle's call to Peace. Oh. My. God.

So, here's what I'm getting at....

SHUT UP YOU CRAZY FORUM HO'S. YOU are the reason many of the neutral and innocent post get dragged into the slag pit for a good bitch fight. YOU ARE the drama. YOU ARE the negativity. In fact one of you was even throw off the forum recently for being snarky, and overly personal towards another member who was stupid enough to ask for help, and a opinion. Poor thing is still rocking on the back of her feet in the corner, and flinches ever time someone IM's her!!

Pot = Kettle = Black.

You aren't fooling anyone. I know your game. Hypothetically that is.

P.S. - The avatar at the top of the blog is funny. Simple minds, simple pleasures. :) Enjoy.

Feel the BURN!!!! Part II

Just a quick update!

Not as bad as anticipated - No mirrored walls, or people watching the fat girl!- It was made much easier by being with my husband. He encourages me to keep going even though I look like I'm walking in the rain. Unpleasant I know.

I have shift those pesky last pounds in order to reach my goal. I have to finished what I started for once in my life. I have to believe that I can do this, and that no matter what anyone says - I did on MY OWN.

So, with that I'm going to finish my dinner of Burger King.....just joking its Popeyes.

Seriously, I actually cooked dinner after going to gym. Am I dreaming......

Feel the BURN!!!!

Feel the BURN!!! Yeah. Whatever.

Its just a whole lot of sweating, huffing and puffing, and pain. Get your mind out of the gutter! I'm talking about exercise!!! E.X.E.R.C.I.S.E. If only it were as much fun as the other huffing and puffing. If its so goooood for you, then why is soooooo fucking boring and monotonous???

And don't you dare tell me it CAN be fun, if you do it right. - Again, I seem to be entering the world of sexual innuendo - Guess what buddy, Bite. Me.

Where is the 'fun' in sweating your over-sized ass off in front of a mirror which is not only reflecting my pathetic attempt at exercise back at me....but I also can see the reflection of all the other people trying not to stare at the fat girl in the back looking as if she will pass out at any minute and FLY off the back of the treadmill!!!!! - Stop laughing Amanda! - I ask you, WHY?

I know this is good for you, but so are Paps, and we all know how much 'fun' they are. I mean, I know exercise is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle but damn!

Ok, now that I have ranted and raved for the better part of a five minutes. Yes, I type as fast as my grandfather. I am going to the gym.

Oh, goody.


Hawks - Oh, yes.

I'm happy again! SEATTLE SEAHAWKS!

Yes, I'm happy about football season. And why not.

Beer, Football, men thrashing around after a leather ball. What's not to love.

P.S. I swear I will start posting about decent blogs soon....new term + work = less time.