
Is it safe to post?

Offline. It just seemed safer that way.
What am I talking about?
The Election and the madness that ensued.

I still feel a little strange talking about my reactions to the Election in an open, online format; that is read by friends (both actual and online). Am I coward? Am I silly for valuing my friend's opinions so much so, that I would rather stay quiet and hide than comment on the Election.

Doesn't sounds like me, does it?
Time to step out of the shadows boys and girls.....

This election was one of several 'firsts' for me.

One - I voted in person! I usually (due in part to my military way of life) vote using an absentee ballot. But this year, I registered in the great state of Virginia and waited patiently to walk into my very first polling station and VOTE! It's the small things that make me happy. I got a sticker.

Two - I voted across party lines.  How can we expect our politicians to see across party lines, if we as voters, are guilty of the same thing? I voted for the candidates that represented the ability, policies and understanding that both state and federal offices needed. That's right.....I voted for.....NO! It's a personal choice that I feel should remain so.

Three - I didn't tell anyone who I voted for. Yep. That's a first. Well, I told Parker....and he smiled. But I told no one else. I am a Democrat.....but that doesn't mean I feel that they are always the party with the best candidate. Nuff said.

So with all of this said....

I sat down and watched the political debates. I read the propaganda. I did my homework. And then I voted. And then I watched the election. And here's what I realized......

You can't please everyone all the time.
I was struck by the anger and malice that spewed across every social network. I was confused by the bitterness that affected people that I had know for some time. I was struck by the immediate 'de-friending'  phenomenon that sweep across Facebook. People posting malicious comments on friend's pages; calling them out for voting the 'wrong' way and being a bleeding heart liberal; for being the reason the US will 'go to hell' and people will die because of their choice of candidate. YES, I am deadly serious....I actually read this stuff!

Be angry. But be constructive. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Degrading people and threatening people is not the answer. It's just sad.

I lost a few people on Election night. Funny thing is, I respect their opinion. But they apparently, respect mine.